Page 59 of Menace
He pulls the ends of my hair with his fingers. “I know, they executed a search warrant on a storage unit I was using to store a bunch of my equipment. I thought I was being smart by registering it under a dummy corporation, but that came back to bite me in the ass. So now you, my dear, are going to get me out of this predicament I find myself in.”
Every part of my body fights against what he wants me to do, but I also know that the MTF won’t let him take me. If I can just make it outside, to where we have a chance, I know things will be okay. I make that promise to myself and work hard to convince my vaulting stomach that it’s the truth.
“Look alive, Karina, it’s time to put on a show.”
And as we walk out into the waning sunlight, I close my eyes, praying to God that I get to walk away from this with every part of my body still attached.
“He’s bringing her out!” I hear the chatter and immediately I’m on alert.
I jump up from where I’ve been sitting next to the cruiser and train my eyes on the motherfucker who’s threatening the most precious thing in my life besides my son and the child she’s carrying. I make sure he sees me, cross my arms over my chest and mean mug like I’ve never mean mugged before. Fuck, I want to vault myself over this damn car and take him out with my bare hands.
“Cartwright.” Havoc’s voice is clear and concise, in control of his emotions. “Let her go and we’ll talk this out.”
God I wish I was in control as much as he is, wish I could calm the pounding of my heart and convince myself that this is some sort of dream-like state I’m in. That I’m going to wake up and this hasn’t happened at all, that I’m lying in bed with my wife, her stomach tucked protectively under my hand.
“No deal, she’s my ticket out of here. I want a car, and I want a plane ticket.”
“Just one?” Havoc questions.
The bastard runs a hand along her jaw, and that’s when I let myself look at her. Her eyes are closed against the police presence in front of her; she’s got her hands on her stomach. She looks almost serene as her right hand twists her wedding band around on her finger. She’s not looking at any of this, and I thank the heavens for it. She doesn’t have to see how many local and state police have converged to help; she won’t have to see the bullet whiz by her face as Ace takes this fucker out.
I know she’s not serene, though; I know she’s got to be going crazy inside, the same way I’m going crazy. If they would just give me five minutes alone with this guy, he would never think about hurting another person for as long as he lives. If he makes it through this ordeal. Hell, if I make it through this ordeal. My chest is killing me, and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m nervous or if it’s because I’m having a possible fucking heart attack.
“I’m not that calculated,” Cartwright answers. “Better make it two, and does a fetus need a ticket?”
Anger causes me to advance, but Renegade and Tank hold me back. I strain against their arms, pull at the hands physically keeping in my spot. Never did I think when we told people about the baby that it would be used against us. Fuck him for doing this to us, for being such a goddamn asshole. Right now I want to knock every single one of his teeth out of his mouth. I want to stomp a hole in his head and make him drink soup for the rest of his natural life.
“Trust me when I say I know exactly what you want to do right now, but you can’t,” Tank whispers in my ear. “Let Ace do what he does best. We’re gonna take care of her, brother, just let us.”
Knowing he’s telling the truth and actually letting it happen are two different things. I drown out whatever Havoc is telling him as I focus on Karina. Different parts of our life together so far run through my mind like a highlight reel.
The first time I saw her walking up to me on our first date. The way she looked as she came against me the first time. Watching her sleep on the couch after she took care of Caleb. The way she took care of me when Caleb left. Her walking down the aisle toward me at our wedding. The surprise in her face when we found out we were expecting, and just this morning, the kiss she gave me as she left for work.
It wrenches my heart, and just when I’m not sure I can take much more, I hear a shot from above us. I know immediately it’s coming from a building across the street. It’s the shot Ace is taking to either wound this man significantly or it will end his life. Without a doubt it will pass mere millimeters from my wife’s flesh, but I trust Ace with everything, and as Cartwright’s shoulder kicks back, I watch him fall to the ground.
Karina with her eyes still closed, starts to go with him, but I run, dig my feet into the ground, and make it before she falls. I catch her just like I promised myself I always would. I pull her away from the danger and hold her tightly in my arms.
“Open those eyes for me, let me know you’re okay, Rina.” My voice is shot, my nerves are shot, and the only thing I can do is run my hands over her body, feel for anything that’s hurt or broken. If there’s one thing on her that’s not like it was when she went to school this morning, I’ll murder him. No jury in the world would make me do jail time, and even if they did, for her, I’d be happy to do it.
She opens her eyes, trying to get her bearings. Those green orbs connect with mine, and then I see the fear. It eats at me, makes me feel so foul that she had to endure this because of my job. Never again will she be put in any danger, I vow it myself right then and there. “Is it over?”
“Completely and totally over.” I crush her to me as we’re approached by Blaze, and Violet breaks the perimeter around the area, running to us.
“Oh my God, I thought you were dead. I trust Ace with everything, but I thought…oh my God.” Violet crouches in front of us as Blaze immediately starts taking her vitals. Violet holds her hand, as it appears she wants to assure herself Karina really is alright. I know the feeling.
“I thought I was too,” she admits as tears come and she begins to shake. Her teeth are chattering, and I wrap her tighter in my arms, hoping to transfer the body heat.
“She’s in shock,” Blaze speaks calmly and quietly. “Things are gonna be fine, let’s just take you in and get you checked out.”
She grabs my hand, her fingers entwining in mine. Her voice as she lets the words slip out are damn near my undoing. “Don’t leave me, please don’t leave me.”
“Not a chance, babe, never a chance.” It’s a vow I’ll spend the rest of my life making come true. This woman will never be in this kind of danger again if I can help it.
Holding her in my arms, I carry her out to the ambulance, climb inside and refuse to let go until we get to the hospital. After a scare like that, I’m sure no one would blame me.
As we drive off for the hospital I get a message from Caleb.