Page 61 of Menace
And in this moment, I know, Mason Harrison? He’s my life. The one I’ve been searching for and the reason I was hurt, but not heartbroken. Had I not been hurt, I wouldn’t have moved here, and I never would have found the love of my life.
Breathless, I mouth athank youand close my eyes, resting in the shelter that is his arms. The place that has now become my home.
“Are you ready?” I ask my two guys as they both shuffle into the kitchen, both wearing suits. “Damn, don’t y’all look good?”
“I need help with this tie, Dad.” Caleb holds his tie up in his hands.
Mason motions for him to bring it over. “Who does this for you when you’re at school? You wear a suit to the game.”
“My roommate, Slater,” he answers. “He’s there on a baseball scholarship. We’re keeping each other out of trouble.”
“Well, at least someone’s there to keep you under control.” I run my hand over my stomach, grimacing. Baby girl is dropping and my hips feel it like no other.
“You okay?” Mason asks as he eyes me.
“I’m fine,” I assure him. “High heels may not have been the best idea, but I want to look like my old self today. Especially on Easter.” I curl my lip up. “But I may have to change into flats.”
Mason finishes up Caleb’s tie. “Someone told me that you might have to, and they also gave me a heads up on a pair of shoes you wanted.” He winks at me as he walks back to our bedroom.
“What did he do?” I look at Caleb for answers.
“Don’t look at me, I have zero idea on this one, Kari.”
Having a seat at the kitchen table, I feel anything but pretty as my belly presses against the black fabric of my dress. For Easter, I wanted to dress in something Spring-ish, but maternity fashion leaves a lot to be desired, and I didn’t want to spend a fortune on a dress I’d only wear once. Even though I feel kind of cute in this little black dress, those high heels were my splash of color, and now I’ll just look frumpy, even if my hair is curled and my makeup is on point. Mason comes out of the bedroom, holding a wrapped box.
“What’s this?” I roll it around in my hands as I look up at him.
“Your Easter gift, Mama. I think you’ll like it.”
Ripping into the wrapping paper, I try to feel excitement as I open the box, but truthfully, I’m just tired. I know this day is an important one in the South, and I’m glad I have my family with me, but I’m bummed. I can’t lie, I’m totally bummed. Inside the box is a label I’m familiar with, and I sit up a little straighter, a smile plays at the corners of my mouth. “You didn’t!”
“You can thank Leigh for this.” He kneels down in front of me. “She said that toward the end of her pregnancy, she just wanted a little color and sparkle in her life. Then she sent me a link to these.”
My fingers fumble as I push the tissue paper back and then I squeal as I see the pink sparkles of the shoes in front of me. “I can’t believe you went on the Kate Spade website and ordered these.” I lean forward with difficulty and kiss him soundly on the mouth.
“Anything that will put that smile on your face, baby. Hand them over, and I’ll tie them for you.”
Be still my heart. This man is more than I ever could have asked for. “This is a great splash of color and makes me feel as if I’m not so frumpy.”
“You’re anything but frumpy, Rina. I’ve never seen a woman look more beautiful than you.” He reaches up, running a hand over my belly. “You’re sexy, hot, everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman, and if it takes a pair of crazy looking shoes to bring a smile to your face right now, then that’s what it takes. Stand up and see how they feel.”
He helps me, by holding out his hands for me, and as I let my weight shift onto my feet, I groan. “They feel so much better than those heels. I love these.” I look down, barely able to see them, but the sunlight coming through the kitchen window catches the material and sparkles show on both Caleb and Mason. “You don’t know how happy this makes me.”
“Anything to make you happy, Rina, anything.”
“Not to be outdone.” Caleb hands me a box.
“What didyoudo?”
“Well I can tell you it’s not ninety-dollar shoes because I’m a broke college student, but I did pick this up the other day.” His tone is dry as he looks at Mason.
“Neither one of you had to do anything,” I protest.