Page 53 of My Baby's Boss Daddy
Before she could respond, I hung up and pushed the phone away from me. My heart was hammering furiously against my chest when Taylor came up to me and hugged me. I held onto her and buried my face in her neck. Wordlessly, Taylor patted my shoulders.
“He just forgot his phone,” Taylor whispered into my ear. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Of all the people to answer his phone,” I muttered, shaking my head. “Why did it have to be her?”
And why couldn’t he have told me that he’d hired her?
Learning they had a history from other people was bad enough.
Having her answer his phone after work hours was worse.
I couldn’t tell if I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry or punch a wall.
Taylor stirred and drew back to look at me. “It’s just a coincidence. She probably saw his phone ringing and picked it up to be polite.”
“Or to make sure people think they’re still together.” I pulled away from Taylor and ran a hand over my face. “She recognized me as his housekeeper.”
Taylor’s lips twisted into a frown. “What? She actually said that?”
I nodded carefully. “She did. He’s telling people I’m his housekeeper. Not his…”
Since I didn’t know what we were, I couldn’t finish the sentence.
All I knew was that I wasn’t just his housekeeper.
Even if we hadn’t defined our relationship yet, I was still the mother of his child.
“I’m sure there’s a reason why he’s keeping it from her,” Taylor offered, with a shake of her head. “Didn’t you say he didn’t want Ron subjected to the scrutiny?”
“And you like your privacy, right?”
“Well, yeah, but I didn’t think it would mean lying to important people about what we are to each other.”
Even if I had no idea what that was.
Taylor placed one hand on either side of my shoulders and squeezed. “It’s not people. It’s his ex. I doubt he wants to tell her of all people. It wouldn’t be very nice of him.”
I frowned. “So, it’s nice to let her think I’m only his housekeeper?”
Taylor’s eyes tightened, and she shook her head. “No, but I can’t give you the answers you want, babe. I know you’re upset with him, and there’s a lot to figure out, but you need to talk to him. He’s the only one who can clear all of this up.”
I cleared my throat. “I guess.”
Taylor gave my shoulders one last squeeze before stepping back. “Talk to him. He will clear this up, I’m sure. I have to get back home because I have a long day tomorrow.”
“Or you could spend the night.”
Taylor picked her purse up off the table and hoisted it up. “I would, but I’ll need work clothes in the morning. Next time, I’ll bring an overnight bag.”
“You should just leave some of your things here.”
Taylor gave me a quick hug on her way out. “I will.”
“Let me know you got home okay.”
Taylor blew me a kiss before she got into the elevator. “It’s going to be okay, Rach. I love you.”