Page 16 of The Bastard Prince
"I wouldn't claim you if you were dying on the streets," he sneered, splaying a possessive hand across my belly. "You could be full of him as we speak." With a hiss of disgust, he released his hold on my throat and moved to cup my breast. "Full of Crellid seed."
Not yet. But I will be if you don’t stop them."You said you should have taken me when you had the chance," I choked out, gasping and dragging air into my lungs.
His words didn’t make me sad.
They made me vengeful.
And desperate.
"You can have my ass now, Trig," I taunted, deliberately shifting my hips and rocking myself against him. I knew what I needed to do. I needed this man to take me back. Whether he deserved me or not, I was achingly aware that the fate of me staying alive and un-raped rested in his hands. The code was very clear.The cock she bleeds on, the cock she belongs to."And my pussy."
"Because I did not want it, not because I could not have it," he hissed, lips brushing my ear as his hand moved to grip on my throat once more. "Because I was the fucking fool who respected the body of a whore." He released a furious snarl. "And funnily enough, I have no interest in sticking my cock in anything my brother has been inside."
Die, Ashton.
Kill yourself now.
"You might think you hate me." I sagged against his chest, feeling lightheaded as his erection dug into my back. "I sure as hell know that I hate you, but youneedto claim me."
"Why,corderito?" He laughed humorlessly. "Is Jethro so underwhelming that you have to come to his brother?"
Desperate, I nodded.
"You haven't earned my cock,corderito." He chuckled darkly. "Beg."
"Please." Uncaring of how pathetic I sounded, I did exactly as he asked, choosing survival over pride. "Please, fuck me, Trig."Don’t hurt me. I'm scared. Be my Trig."Claim me."
"And what about Anton?" he demanded accusingly. "Why not run to his oldest prince and beg him for his protection?"
And there it was.
The root of our issues.
"I've never been with Anton," I countered. "I told you –"
"So, itwasJethro you welcomed into your body that night?" he accused. "Or was it Yegor? Forgive me for all of the questions,corderito, but you had so many men in your bed that I am having trouble remembering which one you bled for!"
"None!" I cried out. "If you just let me explain what happened that night –"
"Speak of that night one more time to me and I will follow through on my promises," he warned. "Iwillkill you, corderito."
A shiver of fear ran through me. "Please, Trig, you have to help me –"
"No," he snarled, hands moving to the straps of my sundress. "Fuck Jethro like you have a thousand times – and every other man you've had behind my back." Dragging the fabric down, he roughly cupped my bare breasts. "Ride his mediocre cock,corderito." He pinched my nipples. "And pretend it is me to get yourself off."
He's close.
Keep pushing.
"Does the thought of him touching me make you mad, Trig?" I lost my ever-loving mind and goaded. "Thinking about your brother pushing himself deep inside of me –"
"You gave him what was mine!" he roared, ripping my dress clean off my body, leaving me in nothing but my panties. "So, return to my brother and jiggle your small tits in his face. Make him lose his mind for you because –" Snarling, he shoved me forward and pressed me face down on his table. "You are worthless to me now."
He was saying the words, meaning them, too, but his actions were all that I cared about. And his actions called him a liar as he thrust himself against me, grinding his hard erection against the fabric of my plain cotton panties.
"Good girl panties on a whore," he mused, snatching the wad of cash from my hip and tossing it on the table.
Dragging my panties down my hips, he gripped me tightly, his long callous fingers digging into my ass so hard that I knew he was marking me.