Page 85 of The Bastard Prince
Would he give me back to Fabio?
Would he share me with the men?
Would he follow through on his promises that night outside the church and kill me…
"Run, little lamb, and run quickly." Clutching my throat tighter, he cut off my air supply. "Find a very good place to hide from your wolf and stay hidden." Chest heaving, he pressed the barrel of the gun between my eyes, and whispered, "Don’t look back. Don’t even dare to breathe too loudly. Because the next time we meet, when I find you again, I will kill you…"
Breathing hard and fast, I struggled to gain control of my emotions and stem the panic attack I could feel cresting up inside of me.
It didn’t work.
I couldn’t calm myself down.
I couldn’t fucking breathe.
Gasping for air, I dropped the gun and reached for my throat, clutching it almost frantically as if I could somehow force my airways to open up.
"Ash? What the hell are you doing?"
Jethro's familiar voice filled my ears and I swung around to find him staring at me in horror.
Beside him stood a sneering Solo.
"Ash," Jet repeated, eyes laced with panic as he took a step closer. "Are you insane? What the hell are you trying to do to yourself?"
"I, uh, I…" My heart kick-started in my chest and I jerked into action, bolting blindly away from the men, my only destination being to get as far away from these men as humanly possible.
Too late,I realized when I felt a fist knot in my hair.
"Not so fast," Solo chuckled, roughly dragging me back to him. "I thought you were keeping company with the whores downstairs." Laughing cruelly, he slapped me hard across the face and then forced me to my knees. "Up to your tricks again, heiress whore? Hmm? Well, your daddy's name ain't worth shit now. You're a marked bitch."
Weak as a noodle from the lack of proper nourishment, I felt my body fold beneath the pressure. My knees hit the hardwood flooring with a thud.
"Let her go," Jet snapped, sounding agitated, as he ran a hand through his hair. "Solo, come on, man, she's a claimed –"
"Shut the fuck up, you little bitch boy," Solo snarled, using his free hand to shove Jethro in the chest. "Or I'll fuck your ass until you bleed again."
Now, I knew for a fact that Jet was fed like a lord in his quarters, so when he staggered back from the force of Solo's shove, back crashing against the wall, it was from genuine weakness and not the lack of vitamins.
Holding his hands up in retreat, Jet looked to me, eyes laced with guilt, before hurrying away.
My lip curled up in disgust.
He truly was useless.
Tightening his grip on my hair, Solo dragged me on my hands and knees into Fabio's lair, calling out, "Look who I found roaming the halls," as he went.
The moment I tumbled through the doorway, I felt dozens of hungry eyes land on my body.
Fear paralyzed me, making it impossible to breathe.
Frantic, I scanned the room for Trigger and came up empty.
He wasn't there.
Something died inside of me then.
Whatever ounce of hope I had of making it out of here unscathed died.