Page 2 of Saving 6
He rolled his eyes. “Sure thing, squeaky.”
“Do all the girls here wear skirts that short?” Eyes widening, I watched as a group of girls filed out off a school bus and onto the footpath in front of us. “I take it all back, Dar.” Delighted with life, I grinned up at my brother. “I think I’m going to like secondary school.”
“Don’t even think about it,” Darren chuckled, ribbing me with his elbow. “Those girls are in sixth year. You’re a baby first year to them.”
“Already told ya that I’ve never been a baby anything,” I shot back with a wink before turning my attention back to the glorious view of bare legs and peachy asses.
“Aren’t you a bit young for getting notions about girls?”
“I’m thirteen.”
“Not until December.”
“I bet I’ve seen more tits than you.”
“Mam’s don’t count.”
We both laughed, causing a few of girls in front to turn around.
“Oh my god! Darren Lynch!” one of the blonde’s squealed, giving my brother a warm smile, as she moved straight for him. “What are you doing here? Didn’t you get like a thousand points in your leaving cert last June? There’s no way you’re repeating sixth year?”
“No, not repeating. Just walking my little brother in for his first day,” Darren replied, receiving the half-hug the girl offered him. “And I could ask you the same question. What are you doing slumming it in a BCS uniform, Tommen girl?”
“I, uh, transferred over here. I’m going to finish up sixth year at BCS,” the blonde replied in a strained tone. “It’s, ah, sort of for the best, all things considered, you know?”
“Yeah.” My brother nodded and sympathy filled his eyes, which confused the fuck out of me. “I do.”
“So, how’s everything going, Dar?” She was quick to push on from whatever the hell had them eyeing each othermeaningfully. I rolled my eyes and forced back the urge to hurl. “I haven’t seen you since that weekend.”
“I’ve been around,” he told her, scratching the back of his neck. “Just dealing, you know?”
“Yeah.” Another meaningful look passed between them. “I know.”
“I don’t,” I decided to interject, because why the hell not? “Care to explain what the hell you’re both talking about?”
My brother sighed in resignation before reeling off introductions. “Caoimhe, this mouthy shit is my little brother.” He turned to me and gestured to the girl. “Joe, this is Caoimhe Young. You were probably too young to remember her in primary school, but her little sister is friends with Shannon.”
Her blue eyes landed on my face, and she smiled. “So, you’re the next Lynch in the pecking order, huh?”
“Apparently so.” I shrugged noncommittedly before turning back to Darren. “Are ya done with the trip down memory lane, or do I need to stand around for another ten minutes?”
“Oh boy, Dar,” she laughed. “You’re in trouble with this one, huh?”
“Tell me about it,” my brother replied with a sigh. “It was good seeing you, Caoimhe.” Catching hold of the back of my neck, he steered us around the group of girls and up the path towards the school. “Take care of yourself.”
“You, too, Dar,” she called after us. “Keep in touch.”
“Keep in touch?” I shook my head and wrestled free from his hold. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Who knows,” Darren muttered, steering me towards the gates of the school. “You know the way girls are.”
“Did you have sex with her?”
“What?” He stopped walking and swung me around to look at him. “No, I didn’t havesexwith her. Why would you even ask me that?”
“Don’t get all high and mighty on me,” I laughed, playfully shoving his chest. “I know you’ve been with girls in the past.”
Darren sighed heavily. “Not like that, I haven’t.”