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“Hiya, Trish,” my best friend sighed happily, as she plopped down beside me and rested her head on my shoulder. “I’m a small bit tipsy, Trish.”
“Are you now?” Mam replied, tone laced with amusement. “What about you, Aoife?”
“I’m tone-sold-cober, Mam.”
“Stone cold sober, you mean?” Mam eyed me with that look only mothers could master. “I’m sure you are.”
”I love you, Mammy.” Hooking an arm around her neck, I pulled her close and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Thanks for my party.”
“I love you too, my little rogue.” Worrying her lip, she eyed the hem of my white, skin-tight, boob-tube dress and said, “But I don’t love that dress. I could see the cheeks of your arse when you were dancing earlier.”
“No, you couldn’t,” I snorted, batting a hand in the air, as I polished off what was left of my Smirnoff ice. “Because if you had actually seen what’s on my ass, you’d have dragged me off the dancefloor.”
“What’s on your ass?”
I tapped my nose with my finger. “Nothing.”
“And Jesus wept,” Mam groaned, shaking her head. “I’m warning you now, young lady, I don’t care that you’re eighteen now. You’re not too big for a clip around the ear.”
“You’d never clip my ears.” I grinned at her. “You’re just a big, old softie, aren’t ya, Mam?”
“She looks like a model, doesn’t she, Trish?” Casey interjected, as she pulled at the top of my dress. “Yourself and Tony must have used the good stuff when ye made this one.” With tears welling in her eyes, Casey grabbed my shoulders and stared at me. “You are my bestestest friend in the whole wide world of Ballylaggin, Aoife Molloy.”
“And you’re mine, Casey Lordan,” I wailed back, throwing my arms around her. “You’re the biggest ride in school.”
“No,you’rethe biggest ride.”
“No, no, I insist it’s you.”
“Okay, then we’re both rides.”
“You’re both in love with yourselves, that’s what you are!” Tutting, Mam held a finger up and said, “Listen to me now, don’t be losing the run of yourself with the novelty of buying your own alcohol now, ya hear?”
“I hear you, Mam.”
“I mean it. You are both lovely looking girls,” Mam urged, addressing us both now. “Which is why you need to keep a handle on yourselves and keep your wits about you. Don’t be drinking to the point of intoxication. It’s not safe. You never know who’s got their eye on you.” Frowning, she added, “And don’t be leaving your drinks unattended, either. I was here to watch them, but what if I wasn’t? The bar is heaving to the rooftops with young fellas. You could have been spiked.”
“Relax, Mam,” I cooed, waving a hand around. “Everyone here is a friend of ours.”
“Exactly,” Casey agreed, smiling. “We’re totally safe, Trish, relax.”
“Famous last words,” Mam muttered, unconvinced.
“Omigod!” I squealed, leaping up whenManiac 2000blasted from the DJ booth. “This is our jam, Case.” I grabbed her hand and dragged her to her feet. “Let’s go.”
“Just be careful tonight, okay?” Mam said. “Please girls.”
“Okay,” we both chorused in unison as we stumbled towards the dancefloor. “We will.”
Molloy had a lot of fans.