Page 4 of Saving 6
“It’s not in my mind, Dar. It’s a fact.”
“You know,” he mused in a melancholy tone. “I can’t figure out if that backbone of yours will be your saving grace or your downfall.”
“Whichever way it goes is fine by me,” I said with a shrug. “Because I couldn’t care less.”
“That’s not true,” he argued. “You care.”
“No,” I laughed humorlessly. “I really don’t.”
“I need you to start caring, Joey.”
“I care,” I grumbled. “I care about you, and Shan, and Tadhg, and Ols—“
“I need you to start caring aboutyou, Joe—”
My feet came to an abrupt stop the minute my eyes landed on a tall blonde, with the face of an angel, sitting on the wall at the entrance of the school.
“What?” Darren demanded, looking around us. “Where’s the fire?”
“There.” Struck dumb at the sight of her, and with all notions gone of continuing any further conversation with my brother, I pointed to the girl whose long blonde hair was splaying all around her in the breeze. “Her.”
“I don’t know her,” my brother noted. “She must be a first year.”
Looking like nothing my eyes had ever seen, I watched as she sucked on a Chupa Chups lollypop, entirely uninterested in the lad attempting to talk to her, while her long legs dangled from the wall.
“Jesus Christ.” I blew out a breath. “I don’t care if you’re gay or not, lad. You can’t deny that girl is the best-looking thing your eyes have ever seen.”
It was at the exact moment in time that her gaze flicked to mine.
The minute our eyes collided, I felt a pang of heat shoot straight to my chest.
Holy fuck.
When I met her gaze head on, I fully-expected her to blush and look away.
She didn’t.
Instead, she tilted her head to one side and studied me with a similar look to the one I was sure that I was sporting.
Arching her brow, she slowly removed the lollypop from her mouth, and gave me an expectant look.
My gaze flicked questioningly to the dark-haired lad still trying and failing to garner her attention before returning to her face.
With a defiant tilt of her chin, she gave me a look that saidwhat are you waiting for?
Well shit.
WhatwasI waiting for?
“Steady up, baby brother,” Darren chuckled, as he forcefully walked me up the path towards the main building andawayfrom the blonde. “She’s cute, but don’t throw your hat in the ring just yet. I promise there will be fifty more girls in your year that look just as lovely.”
“I don’t want fifty more girls,” I replied, twisting back to find her still watching me. “I just wantthatgirl.”
“Oh, to be a first year again.” Laughing, Darren dragged me along with him until she was out of sight. “If I’ve taught you nothing else these past twelve years, then remember this; keep your temper in check, your head in the books, your ass off the streets, and your hands off girls that look like that.”