Page 19 of Made For Me
I look out the window of the Uber as he makes his way over to my car. Only when I walked out of the hospital did it dawn on me that I didn’t have a car. My heart speeds up as we make our way closer and closer to the scene. I wipe away the tear that escapes, even though I fight it off. The yellow tape is still up and you can see the glass scattered on the street.
“You can stop here,” I tell the driver and he just looks at me. “My car is right there.” I point over to the side. He stops the car and I get out, trying so hard not to look over at where the car was last night.
I walk with my head down toward the car, pressing the button and getting into the car, letting out a big breath. I put my hands on the steering wheel and my head falls on it, the tension in my body is off the charts. I feel like any second, I’m going to snap and fall into a downward spiral. I put my head back on the seat, closing my eyes as I try to steady my breathing when the phone rings from my bag.
I fish into the bag and take it out seeing that Jillian is calling. “Hello,” I answer, putting the phone on speaker.
“Hey,” she says and I can hear from her side that she is in the car. “What’s up?”
“Not much,” I reply, looking down at the phone, wondering if Chase said anything. “On my way to work.”
“Oh, good, are you coming to the game tonight?” she asks.
“No,” I say right away, “I’m going to have to pass, just got another case on my desk.” I beat around the bush. “And…”
“And you’ll be elbows deep in reading,” she fills in. “Are you okay, you sound weird?”
“Yeah.” I know that if she was in front of me, she would know in a split second I was lying. “Just, I lost one of my girls last night.”
“Oh, fuck, you should have called me.”
“I was at the hospital all night,” I say.
“Still, you shouldn’t have been alone,” she says, and it is at this moment I should say that I wasn’t alone. This moment is the perfect opportunity to say Chase was with me, but something stops me from telling her, and for the first time in my life, I keep a secret from my sister.
“Anyway, I’m on my way to work. I’ll call you tonight or tomorrow,” I say. “Kiss the kids for me.”
“Will do,” she confirms and I disconnect the phone. I start the car and make my way over to the office.
Even when I step into the elevator, I know I shouldn’t be here today, but I need to just get everything down, and in the file, just in case. I walk to my desk and Rosalind comes out of her office. “I didn’t think you would be here,” she says, walking toward my cubicle.
“I just left the hospital. Monica’s parents showed up.” She just looks at me with her mouth open. “I guess they had to alert the next of kin.”
“How was that meeting?” Rosalind asks, folding her arms over her chest.
I lean back in my chair. “Well, for one she didn’t even recognize me.” I roll my eyes. “Even though I showed up at her house when Monica first ran away. But when I said my name, she called me a bitch.”
Rosalind pffts out, “You’ve been called worse.”
“I think she’s going to go for emergency custody,” I say, and she shakes her head.
“She’ll get it since there is no father on the birth certificate. I’m going to see if I can get into her place and see if she has anything in there.” I pick up the file I know is hers.
“Why don’t you go home and rest for the day?” Rosalind suggests and I nod at her.
“I’m going to make some notes in here.” I open the file. “Make sure I wrote everything I need to down.” My chest hurts now. “I can’t believe she’s gone.” I shake my head.
“It never gets easy. Let me know if you need anything from me.”
She walks away from me and I stare at the file in front of me. A picture of Monica is stapled right next to a picture of Penelope. I start reading notes from when the high school contacted us about her. She was suspended for skipping school and her mother came to get her and basically threatened to beat the principal’s ass if she bothered her anymore. She ran away two days later and I got called in, the school thought her mother did something to her. That wasn’t the case, Monica had moved in with her boyfriend, who was ten years older than her. I shake my head as the memories come back. The tear falls in the middle of the paper as I reach over and grab a tissue. She was so stubborn sometimes, or better yet, every single time.
I flip the page over and see the word pregnant circled five times.
“I have something to tell you,” she said as she sat in front of me at the park. She had called me to tell me she needed to talk, so obviously I went to meet her. She had just gotten out of the system. “You can’t freak out.” I waited, not saying anything, we had just gotten her a job. “I’m pregnant.”
“Oh my God,” I said out loud. “What? How?”