Page 38 of Made For Me
“We have one,” he says and then I see my phone beep, telling me I have another call. I don’t know why I think it’s her calling me, but it’s Max.
“Dad, Max is on the phone,” I say, hanging up on him and going to Max. “Uncle Max.”
“What the fuck happened?” he questions, and I hear car doors slam on his side. It’s only then do I put him on speakerphone. I pull up the address to Station 46, running to my car and getting in.
“I came to take her out and we were leaving when two cops came,” I say.
“She doesn’t have a lawyer,” Michael chimes in, and I’m not surprised that they are together. “She called the union lawyer three times today and no one called her back.”
“I have to call a lawyer,” I say. “My dad said we have one.”
“He’s already on his way to the station,” Max assures me. “He was on call since last night.”
“You knew this would happen?” I snap, wanting to punch my steering wheel.
“We didn’t know for sure, it was a possibility, we were waiting to get all the information before telling her,” Max says and then I hear another door close. “I just got your father; we are heading down to the station.”
“I’ll meet you there.” I hang up and it takes me ten minutes to get there. I can only imagine what she is going through. Scratch that, there is no way I would ever know what she is going through. I park my car and walk into the precinct, seeing two doors on each side and a desk in the middle with a man sitting behind it.
“How can I help you?” He leans back in his chair.
“I have someone who has been brought in,” I say, looking around to see if maybe I can see her.
“He’s here for Julia,” the guy from before says, coming to me. “I got him.
“Did you call her a lawyer?” he asks and the need to throat punch him fills my bones.
“Wait a second.” I hold up a finger. “Are you trying to pretend you give a shit?” I ask him. “From your tone it sounds like you are sincere, but thirty minutes ago you stood by while they put handcuffs on her.”
He huffs out, “I had a job to do and I told the officer that she didn’t need cuffs.” He puts his hands on his hips. “Julia is special.”
I’m about to say to go fuck himself when the doors open and I look over. My uncle Max walks in with my father on one side and Michael on the other. They all look around, and when they see me, they walk over. “Where is she?”
“She’s downstairs being booked,” the guy says from beside me. “I’ll go in and try to see her.”
“Don’t do her any favors,” I say to his retreating back and he just shakes his head. “Where the fuck is the lawyer?”
“He’s pulling up,” Max states.
“How was she?” Michael says and I just shake my head. “Jillian is going to lose her mind.”
The door opens and I spot a man walking in. “Stuart,” my father calls his name and he comes over.
“She’s being booked,” he says to my father and then holds up his hand to him, walking over to the desk. “You have my client in the back, and I want to see her.” He smirks. “Now.”
“Why are you always a pain in my ass?” the officer asks him. “Out of all people, you.”
“We go way back,” Stuart says when he looks at us. “Now I want to see my client.”
“Yeah, yeah,” the officer responds and then Stuart comes walking back.
“What is going to happen to her?” I ask him.
“She’s going to be fingerprinted and”—he looks at his watch—“hopefully pass in front of a judge today, if not tomorrow.”
“No way,” I say, shaking my head. “No fucking way she stays in here all night.” Just the thought of it is too much for me to bear. “You better go talk to whoever the fuck you need to talk to and make sure that she passes today, now, in ten minutes. Whenever.” I hold my arms over my chest. “Or else.”
Stuart looks at me and then over to Max and then my dad. “I’m taking it this one is yours?” My father doesn’t have a chance to answer him because the guy calls his name.