Page 54 of Made For Me
“Areyou coming to the game tonight?” Chase asks as we sit on the couch the morning after, having coffee while watching the news. Sitting beside him on the couch with my legs draped over his, Chase’s hands across my legs while I’m in his T-shirt and he’s in boxers. We spent the whole night together. Being with him is starting to feel like I’ve always been with him. Even when I woke up this morning in his arms again, it was like I’ve been doing it for all my life, instead of just a week.
“It’s Saturday night,” I remind him. “I haven’t missed a Saturday night game since your cousin knocked up my sister.” I roll my lips laughing.
“You aren’t wearing a Horton shirt,” he tells me and I just look over at him.
“Is that so?” I ask him and he leans forward to put his cup down on the coffee table, then reaches for mine, putting it next to his. He turns toward me now and my legs open in front of him as he lies on top of me.
“I believe that you said you were mine.” I roll my eyes when he says that.
“I was two seconds away from an orgasm,” I lie between my teeth. In all honesty, I was close to an orgasm but I was also his.
“Do I need to remind you?” He kisses my lips softly.
“Yes,” I say and we both laugh. He pulls out all the stop remind me I am in fact his, over and over again.
That night at the game I don’t wear a Horton shirt, instead I wear a Grant shirt, but with a twist. I put Dr. in front of it, making everyone laugh when they see me. But nothing is better than hearing him laugh when he finally sees it after the game. We walk from the arena with my hand playing with his hand that is wrapped around my shoulder. My head is turned to look at him as he smiles at me.
* * *
“This is goingto be super weird,” I say as he pulls up to his parents’ house for Sunday lunch.
“Why?” He turns off the car and I open my door.
“Because we are kind of together,” I say, not willing to put a label on whatever this is. We decided that we are going to be dating but I’m not going to ask anything else.
“Kind of.” He slides his hand with mine. “Pretty sure you waking up with my dick in your mouth is us being together,” he informs me right before the front door opens and his father is standing there. My face turns red thinking he might have heard what he said. I release Chase’s hand as we walk in the door.
The sound of commotion is all over the place as Maddox runs through the hallway, stopping
to side hug me and say, “Hi, Auntie Juju,” before running upstairs to the playroom.
I look over my shoulder at Chase, who is talking to Matthew about something, and I walk into the house. I’ve never felt like I’m walking on eggshells. I also don’t know why I’m so fucking nervous. I’ve never been nervous coming to Sunday lunch. I also have never woken up with Chase’s cock in my mouth before coming to Sunday lunch. “Hey,” Allison greets when she spots me holding a plate. I walk over to her and kiss her cheek. “You smell good.”
“Thanks,” I reply, not telling her it’s Chase’s bodywash mixed with my perfume. “I’m hungry.”
“Go grab a plate.” She points over at the food. “Jillian is outside with the girls.”
I nod at her, walking over to the food. “You ran off so fast.” I hear Chase from behind me.
I’m about to say something to him when I see Cooper walking our way. “I heard you were wearing my jersey last night.” He stands in front of the island looking at us. “But you then defaced it with dirt.”
“No.” I try to play dumb. “Who told you that?”
“I walked into my daughter’s room today and she was adding it to her shirt.” He glares at me.
I can’t help but laugh at him, not sure what to say. “What can I say?” I shrug and look back at Chase. He has his hair pushed back and the way his eyes twinkle I know he’s in a great mood. “She has good taste.”
“You bet your ass she does,” Chase booms out, laughing right before he leans over and kisses me, just like that. I’m expecting for Cooper to say something, but instead he just pffts out before walking away.
Sunday lunch is just like it always is. No one makes any remarks of us arriving together and then leaving together. I don’t even get a snide comment from Vivienne when he slides his hand into mine, pulling me from the house.
He drops me off the next day on his way to work and the whole time my head is spinning. There is so much going on in my head. When he texts me he will be done by four, I stupidly say he should come over and I’ll make dinner.
I take some salmon out and then roast some veggies. I’ve checked them every five minutes to make sure I don’t burn anything, and when he knocks at the door, I jump. Opening the door, he just smiles at me, kissing my lips when he walks in. “Smells good.”
“Um, thanks,” I mumble and he follows me to the kitchen. It takes him about one second before he sees that something isn’t right.
“What happened to you?” he asks and my hands shake.