Page 20 of Made For You
“Okay, well, one, her mother is dirtier than her aunt.” I hold up one finger. “And two, why would you automatically go to me f—” I stop before I say the word. “Banging my neighbor?”
“Because everything is about banging,” she says, and then I hear Wilson laugh in the background.
“Morning, Wilson,” I greet him, and he mumbles.
“I’m going to take my pretty lady.” He grabs Stella, who is so excited to see him that she grabs his face and leans in with her mouth open to give him a drooly kiss. “Now, you can’t give anyone else kisses like that,” he tells Stella. “Boys are gross.”
“Oh, here we go,” Franny says, and Wilson leans down and kisses her on the lips. “I’ll join you guys when we finish here.”
“Wait,” I say. “Wilson, I want your opinion, too.”
“Wow,” Wilson replies, sitting on the floor, putting Stella down so she can play. “You must be really desperate if you are asking for my advice.”
“Okay, anyway, I swear having a conversation with you guys is like herding cats after giving them catnip,” I grumble. “He invited me over for a drink after I helped tie his boat.”
“Is that code”—Wilson looks back at Franny—“for a BJ?”
“Oh, good God.” I throw my hands up and slap the table in front of me. “It’s not always about that.”
“But it is,” they both say at the same time. The two of them slept together at my cousin Michael’s wedding. Only to come face-to-face again a couple of months later, and Wilson didn’t remember. It was funny watching them, and even funnier when their sex tape got leaked. I mean, funny for us, not for them. Most definitely not for my father, who at that point was foaming at the mouth.
“Okay, well, there is no sex on any table,” I inform them as they are about to say something else. “There is no sex anywhere, not the table, not the chair, nowhere. He can barely say two words to me.”
“But he invited you for a drink,” Wilson says, picking up a toy and handing it to Stella. “So he said at least that.”
“Yeah, and this is where the question comes in. He hands me a beer, and he doesn’t drink anything.”
“Maybe he’s cleansing his system,” Franny suggests. “People do that. It’s like a huge reset.” Wilson looks over at her, confused. “It’s a thing, Wilson.”
“When I asked him if he was having a drink, he said he doesn’t drink.” I tap my fingers again.
“Okay.” Franny ponders, not sure she understands even when I say the words. I’m not even getting my point.
“Should I have asked him why?” I ask them. “Should I have pried?”
Franny shrieks. “You don’t pry ever,” she reminds me. “Like if there is anyone in this whole family who actually minds their business, it’s you.”
“I know!” I shriek. “Last time the girls were together—”
Franny cuts me off. “Julia had to beg you to ask her for details.”
“Why would I want to know her favorite sex position,” I try to defend myself, “when she’s doing it with my brother?” I fake vomit. “I wouldn’t ask Erika either.”
“But you’re okay asking Franny?” Wilson asks me.
“I’ve pretty much seen what you two do in the bedroom,” I remind him. “It’s seared in my brain for the rest of my life.”
“So dramatic.” Franny rolls her eyes. “The question I think you need to be asking yourself is, do you want to know why he’s not drinking?”
“What if you ask him, and he’s a recovering alcoholic, and this is a sore subject for him?” Wilson puts in his two cents. “Like, how awkward is that?” He looks at Franny. “The girl who creeps on you wants to know why you aren’t drinking.”
“Hold on.” I raise my hand. “I’m not creeping on him.” I can’t even say another word because my neck suddenly fills up with heat, and my heart starts to speed up, knowing that maybe I was creeping on him, but it was because he was a jerk and not because I liked him. “I’m done with you guys,” I say, shaking my head. “Also, you both give horrible advice, and that is why I never ask either of you.”
“Sure,” Franny says, nodding her head sarcastically. “It’s not because we just called you out.”
“I have to go work,” I tell them both. “Have a nice day.” I don’t even wait for them to tell me goodbye before I hang the phone up on both of them. “Creeping on him,” I repeat the words and pfft out. “Like I would creep on him.” I get off the bed. “I’m going to show them,” I huff. “I’m not even going to go outside today.” I grab my laptop and walk to the bed. “I’m going to work all day,” I tell myself as I open the laptop. “Creeping on him.” I shake my head. “I don’t even like him.” I check my email. “I like his dog better than I like him.” My head yellsliar. “I mean, fine, he’s good looking,” I admit as I switch my emails off, not even paying attention to anything. “And his laugh did make my stomach flip, but I was hungry.” I open my Word document. “I’m going to focus on work.”
I read back the chapters I wrote the other day to make sure that I’m where I want to be. I read my plot notes on what I want the next chapter to be, and before you know it, it’s almost six o’clock. My neck hurts, and my legs are cramped when I get out of bed. I walk to the back door, realizing it’s almost sunset. I open the door, stepping out for the first time all day. I stretch as soon as I get on the back deck and stop mid-stretch when I hear a bark from beside me. “Hello, Beatrice,” I greet her, and I’m shocked when she jumps off her boat and comes onto mine. She comes over to me, and I take a look back, seeing Xavier isn’t anywhere in sight. I squat down in front of her. “How was your day?” I ask her as I pet her neck, and she licks my face. “Was it nice out today?”