Page 10 of Cupid Games
But, first, she had to make this phone call and then she wanted to go over some new drills they were learning tomorrow morning.
Quickly she dialed her lawyer’s number.
He picked up almost immediately. “I thought I’d be hearing from you as soon as you heard my message.”
“Good job, Allen. I’m so pleased,” she said. “How many more do we need to find?”
“I’d like two more. If there are five women, there are possibly even more and we could have additional ones come forward once we announce our lawsuit. But once we have five, I’ll draw up the paperwork and we’ll soon be stepping in front of a microphone.”
The school superintendent would not like that one bit, but there was nothing she could do. She was not going to let this jerk get away with what he’d done to her and countless others.
In fact, the law might get involved once he was revealed.
“All right, just keep me posted.”
“No leaks, Emily. If the owners get wind of what we’ve learned, they will block us at every turn.”
“Of course,” she said, knowing the owners already knew of his sexy shenanigans. “Any inquiries into me playing on another team?”
There was silence for a moment.
“I’m sorry, nothing,” he said. “Maybe after this breaks and they learn the truth.”
“Maybe,” she said. “Doubtful, and if I’m not careful, the high school I’m at will fire me. Already a jerk has leaked my story to the local paper.”
“Damn,” the lawyer said. “Until this story breaks, you can’t talk to anyone.”
“I know,” she said. “Instead it looks like the town is going to paint me to be some Jezebel. Have I ever told you I don’t like being the center of attention, especially in regard to my sex life?”
The lawyer chuckled. “Yes, the first time we met. Hang in there. After we get through with this, you may never have to work again.”
But that wasn’t what she wanted. She loved her job. She loved basketball, and all she’d wanted was to be a good player. A team player. Even being a coach made her happy.
“I’ll call you as soon as I know more,” Allen said. “Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.”
“Talk to you soon,” she said, disconnecting.
Damn, she couldn’t get a break. Not a single one.
The next morning, she walked into the gym at a quarter till six to get everything prepared for their first morning practice.
When she flipped on the lights, she stared at the sign she’d made for Zach. He’d found it before he drove off the parking lot. Dang.
Now it was hanging on her door. Quickly she removed it. Taking it out to the dumpster, she threw it in.
She was really hoping he would get to drive through town with it on the back of his truck, but that didn’t happen. Oh, well, maybe it was for the best. All she needed was for him to file a grievance against her with the superintendent. They would have her all packed up and out the door before she could explain why she’d tried to let the town know of his actions.
At six o’clock about half the team had come stumbling in. A couple more came running in several minutes later, apologizing profusely.
One irate mother walked in at five after six.
“Who the hell schedules a basketball practice at six in the morning?”
“A winning team does,” she told the woman not wanting to deal with her. “Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time we got started. Center court, twenty-five jumping jacks.”
The woman stuttered.
“Really? I’m going to call the superintendent on you.”