Page 22 of Cupid Games
Time to change the subject or he was going to leave.
“What have you done besides play basketball these last five years? Why haven’t you married?”
Her brows rose as she gazed at him, her blue eyes piercing. “I was busy practicing, playing, and traveling with the team. Doing events with the team. My schedule was always arranged by the front office. No time for a relationship.”
No time for him.
Oh, yes, it was time to finish what he’d started.
“I’ve got a challenge for you,” he said. “If your girls lose the next game, you run around the Cupid statue at midnight. It’s our town’s little superstition, and supposedly, the first person you see is the person you’re going to marry,” he said.
She gazed at him, her blue eyes twinkling. “Sounds rather corny.”
Oh, she had no idea.
“It is,” he said. “But many people swear by it.”
“Why would you want me to do this?”
“Because I don’t think your girls are going to win and then we can all come out and laugh and watch you do the Cupid Dance.”
“So you want to make fun of me,” she said.
“No, it’s just a bet. Nothing else.”
She thought for a moment. “And if your boys lose, I think you should have to do the Cupid Dance.”
His boys were playing the worst team in their division. They were going to win, so he wasn’t worried. And yet they had lost against Mineral Wells the other night.
“All right,” he said, feeling confident.
“What happens if we both win?” she asked.
That wasn’t going to happen. He knew her girls were not good enough. They were playing a much better team in their division and they had lost the last three games. They were losers.
Even with Emily as their coach, they were losers.
“If we both win, we both have to do the Cupid Dance,” he said, just throwing it out there, knowing there was a snowball’s chance of them both winning.
“Deal,” she said.
He grinned at her. She had no idea that she would be running naked.
And he planned on letting the students know and the paper as well. Coach Emily would be fired and his life could return to the boring normal it had been before she came to Cupid.
“The first person I see after I do the Cupid Dance is who I’m supposed to marry?”
“Yes,” he said. “And it won’t be me.”
“Good,” she replied. “We obviously don’t do very well communicating. Because I wanted you to come with me. I wanted you there by my side. If you’d been there, that asshole…”
She motioned for the waitress to come over.
“Can you get me a to-go box and my bill?”
“All right,” she said.
“You’re not going to finish your meal?”