Page 11 of Possessive Vows
She sighs as she looks down at the phone. Her fingers are awkward as she types, but she doesn’t give up. That’s something I admire. She’s faced a ton of adversity, but she’s still here. I’m honestly amazed she’s adjusting so well to being out of her tower.
Finally, once she’s done typing, she shows me the screen. It says something I didn’t expect.
What’s your name?
My lips quirk. Shit. In all that time keeping her alive, I never told her my name.
“Dario. Dario Santoro.”
She points at her chest.
“I know your name is Pia Vitale. I know your father pretty well. We’ve been at odds with each other for years now. Ever since I took over the family business after my father died. We’ve been fighting over territory. He hates me. I hate him. That’s why I made a big move tonight. I wanted him to know who runs this motherfucking town.”
She types something else, then holds up the phone.Is that why you want me? To hurt my father?
“Yes,” I state. She frowns. I want to reach over and smooth out the crease between her eyes and kiss her in the process. Fuck, I want to do a lot more than kiss her. How is this woman driving me so wild just from her looks alone? I wish I could hear her voice so fucking bad. But maybe it’s for the best. If I did, I think I’d break. And I’m barely holding on by a thread. “But also, I wanted you. I wanted the famous daughter of Tommaso Vitale. The one everyone’s talked about for years. I remember hearing about you when I was younger. I was in my teens, and I thought how strange it was that a parent could lock their child away. Over the years, I grew more intrigued. Until one day, I put a plan in motion and came for you. Now, you’re mine.”
Am I really that famous?
I chuckle. “You are. Every man has wanted to marry the mysterious daughter of Tommaso.”
Every man?
“Well, every man in the mafia.”
Her eyes widen, and she types even faster.Mafia?
“Did you not know?”
She shakes her head slowly, her eyes downcast.
“Your father is the head of the Vitale mafia here in Naples. I’m the head of the Santoro mafia. We’ve been fighting over territory for generations. Naples isn’t big enough for the two of us. One of us will go down, and it won’t be me. I’m a survivor, always have been. I think you’re one, too. That’s why I’m drawn to you. You don’t give up, do you?”
Her eyes flash up to meet mine, a passion in them I haven’t seen yet.
She shows me the phone. I’ve wanted to.
“But you haven’t. You’re a fighter and a survivor. That’s why I want to marry you specifically. Not just to hurt your father. But I want a woman at my side who’s tough. Who’s strong.”
You really think I’m that way?
“I know it. You’ve been fighting me since the moment we met. You keep trying to run.”
And you keep chasing me.
I smile. “True. And I’ll keep doing that. You’re mine, Pia. Don’t doubt that.”
But what if I want to be free?
An ache settles in my chest when I see what she wrote. But I’ve never wasted time worrying about what others think. I just take. I’ve always done that and have no plans to change. Pia is mine. I’ve decided that. Nothing will change my mind, not even her puppy-dog eyes that look up at me with so much innocence.
“I don’t want to keep you trapped. You’ll be able to roam freely. In fact, I have two younger sisters who live with me. Twins, close in age to you. They’ll keep you company when I’m not around. You won't be alone, Pia. I’ll make sure of that. You’ll have a family in me.”
She takes a shaky breath before letting it out and typing again.I just don’t know if I believe you.
“I want you to believe me, but I know trust takes time. For now, listen to what I’m saying. I don’t want to hurt you. I want you to be mine. That’s all.”
But how can I be yours when I don’t even know who I am?