Page 27 of Possessive Vows
“No.” I squeeze Pia’s shoulder. “I’m not going to learn sign language.” The second I say it, I know how right it is.
Ifirst teach Dario what the sign for “I’m feeling ok” means. Might as well start somewhere, and he has a habit of asking me how I’m feeling.
We’re sitting in the living room the day after the awkward get-together with his aunt and uncle. I tried to make an effort with Serafina by telling her that I was locked away and my father hurt me, and for a second, I thought I’d made a difference. But now, just one day later, she’s back to avoiding me again. I’m going to get to the bottom of what her issue with me is sooner or later.
Right now, though, I’m teaching Dario sign language. It meant the world to me last night when he said he’d learn it for me. This way, I won’t always have to use the phone to type out my responses. I haven’t been able to have a true conversation with someone in years. My father understood my sign language; he just ignored it most of the time. Otherwise, I’ve been stuck in my silence for years.
Dario repeats my hand motions. “And this means ‘I’m feeling ok?’”
I nod.And this means I’m not doing well, I type on the phone and show him. Once he’s read it, I sign it for him. He does the same in return. And on and on we go. I type, he reads, I sign, he signs. It’s a slow, laborious progress, but it’s not like he has to get it all in one day. Now that we’re married, I have years to teach him, and he has years to learn.
“This isn’t as easy as I thought it would be,” he admits once we take a break. “But it’s not like I’ve never worked hard in my life. My father wanted me to be the best fighter around, so he had me train for hours on end when I was younger. I’m not opposed to some hard work.”
I smile and sign,Thank you.
Dario signs back,You’re welcome.
See? You’re already learning, I type.
“Thanks to you. You’re a good teacher.” His eyes rake over me. We’re sitting next to each other on the couch, and I can feel the warmth radiating off him. He’s always warm. It’s nice. “Do I get a reward for being a good student?”
I smile ruefully and shake my head.
No, I sign. But then I lean over and plant a quick kiss on his lips. I never knew I could be so comfortable with someone in such a short amount of time, but Dario makes me feel like I’ve known him all my life. He doesn’t shame me for being mute. He saved me from my father. He’s shown on multiple occasions that he wants me. Dario makes it easy to trust him. Some may think I’m naïve for trusting the first man I’ve spent any time with, but I know in my gut that we’re right together. It’s fast and sudden, but it’s there.
“Ah, ah. That wasn’t a proper kiss, teacher.” He grabs my face gently and pulls me back in for another kiss. His tongue touches my tongue so gently that fire streaks through me. I sigh into his mouth. Dario’s thumb draws circles into my skin as he deepens the kiss even more. Finally, he pulls back. “Now,thatwas a proper kiss.”
Kiss me again, I’m desperate to say but keep it to myself. I want to feel Dario all over me. I want to experience that part of life even though I’m in a little over my head. And yet, something holds me back from letting Dario have all of me. Every time we start to get closer, I pull back. I think my father abused me so much that I’m still a little wary of Dario. He could turn on me and abuse me, too. I know in my gut that he won’t, but my brain isn’t always rational, and I keep him at a distance because of that.
I rest my head on his shoulder, not wanting this moment to end.
“God, you two are so gross,” Serafina says as she enters the room. “Now, scram. I’ve got to check my messages.”
Dario frowns. “Your messages? You can check your social media page there, and Pia and I can remain here. Remember who’s boss here.”
Serafina rolls her eyes. “Fine. Whatever.” After a moment, she looks up at us. “What were you two doing anyway?”
“Pia was teaching me sign language.”
The laugh that escapes Serafina’s mouth makes me fold my body inward. “Like that’s ever gonna happen.”
“Serafina, enough,” Dario snaps. “You need to get control of yourself. I won’t stand by and let you bully my wife. My offer from last night still stands. Either stop or feel free to leave.”
“But then, where would I go?”
He shrugs. “That’s not a concern of mine.”
“You vowed to protect Adelina and me after our parents died. You can’t just toss me out.”
“I also won’t stand back and let you be mean to my wife. Pia is mine to protect, which means from everyone, including my sister. Grow some politeness.”
“What’s going on here?” Adelina’s soft voice carries into the room as she spins into the room. And when I say spinning, I mean literally spinning. She’s dancing on her tiptoes and turning around in a circle. She only stops once no one responds. Dario and Serafina are having a stare down, and Adelina turns to me. “What’s up these two?”