Page 50 of Possessive Vows
Someone is in my house.
I duck my head around the doorway and see a man pushing himself to stand. He’s stocky with dark hair and a goatee. It’s clear he crashed through my front window by the gaping hole and shattered glass. I jerk back before he can see me and return to Pia and my sisters.
“Follow me,” I whisper, motioning them to get up. I need to get them someplace safe. I also need to get a weapon.
What is it?Pia signs.
“Someone broke in. Maybe one of your father’s men. I’m not sure.”
She flinches.
I grab her hand and pull her behind me, my sisters following, as we leave the living room and head toward the kitchen through a different doorway. The minute we step foot into the kitchen, the mystery man rounds the other corner and spots us.
He grins darkly and holds up a gun.
“Get down!” I throw my body on top of all three as the man fires. We hit the floor, out of the way of his bullet, but it won’t take him long to fire again. I scoot behind the island counter, pulling Pia along with me. Adelina and Serafina huddle underneath the table.
Goddamn it. I don’t have my own gun.
What are we going to do?Pia asks.
I hold up my hand to stop her. I need to think. The man starts firing at the table my sisters are huddled under. “Stay here,” I tell Pia.
Adelina and Serafina are screaming and clinging to each other.
I roll away from the counter and reach up to grab a knife, tossing it at the man. It lands, sticking into his shoulder, making him stumble back and drop his gun.
“Come on!” I shout, motioning for the women to follow me. We run back into the living room and through the foyer.
Adelina screams and drops to the ground. She has a glass shard in her bare foot.
“Shit,” I grumble, bending down to look at her injury. “I’ll have to carry you.” I scoop her up.
“Will she be all right?” Serafina asks.
“Just move,” I order, guiding them to the stairs. Just as we make it to the top, the man enters the foyer and fires at us again. A bullet hits the wall near us, missing us by inches.
Serafina whimpers. Adelina is crying. And Pia looks dazed.
We enter the master bedroom, and I set Adelina on the bed. “Shut the door!”
Pia runs forward and slams it shut, locking it.
“Will that keep him out?” Serafina asks as I look at Adelina’s foot.
“No.” My response makes Serafina frown. “We’ll need to barricade it. Come look over Adelina’s foot. We need to get the glass out. I have a first aid kit in my bathroom.” When neither Pia nor Serafina move, I shout, “Go!”
They spur into action as I go over to my dresser and shove it in front of the door. At least if the man breaks the lock, he won’t immediately be able to get in. Then I run over to my end table and grab my gun, stuffing it in the back of my pants.
Pia comes running out of the bathroom with the first aid kit. Serafina is by Adelina’s side, shushing her cries.
“It hurts,” Adelina whimpers. “I’ll be able to dance again, right?”
“Of course,” I tell her, taking the first aid kit. “It’s just a piece of glass. I’ll get it out and bandage your foot. You’ll just have to stay off your feet for a while.” She winces as I use pliers to take the glass shard out of her foot. Then she yelps when I douse her foot with an alcohol rub. And she finally goes back to whimpering as I stitch the wound and place a bandage around it. “There. You’ll be fine.”
She nods before slumping back onto the bed.
Pia grabs my arm.Are we supposed to just wait here for him to find us?