Page 22 of Betting on Blaze
“Well, then, I’d love to marry you,” she repeated.
“When?” he asked. She looked at him as though he lost his mind. Had he just asked her when she’d marry him?
“When?” she repeated, “What do you mean by when?”
“I mean, when will you marry me? I want a date, Blair,” he said. “It’s not that I don’t trust everything you just told me, I just want a commitment. So, give me a date,” he said.
“Um, how about in two weeks?” she asked.
Her mother came rushing out of the kitchen and Blair knew that she had overheard every single word. “What are you doing, Blair?” her mother asked. “You can’t honestly believe that we’ll be able to get a wedding together in just two weeks, right?” her mother asked.
“I don’t want or need a big wedding, Mom,” Blair said. “I’m good with going down to the justice of the peace and getting married if that’s okay with you,” she said to Blaze.
“I think that maybe we can do one better,” Blaze said. “How about if we get married down at the Smokey Bandits?” he asked. “That way we can have a small wedding and still invite some friends and family to come to celebrate with us. And, yeah, we can do it in two weeks. You won’t have to do much. I’m betting that the guys in my club will want to help handle most of the details. Blair has kind of become one of the club members since she started working at the bar, and they’ll want to help.”
“They would?” Blair asked.
“You know that the guys are crazy about you, honey. I’m betting that Ryker will handle most of the plans and Joker will cook,” he said.
“Then, I’ll marry you in two weeks at the Smokey Bandits,” Blair agreed. Blaze pulled her into his arms and spun her around.
“You’ve made me the happiest man on the planet,” he said. “I plan on spending the rest of my life making you just as happy,” he promised.
“The rest of our lives is a long time, are you sure you can put up with me that long?” she teased.
“I’m sure, honey. Are you sure that you can handle me for the rest of our lives?” he asked. She had no doubt that she’d be able to spend the rest of her life loving him. She had finally found the man of her dreams and there was no letting him go again. Blair smiled up at him and nodded, “You can bet on it Blaze,” she promised, and it was a promise she planned to keep.
The End
I hope you enjoyed Blaze and Blair’s story! Now, buckle up for a sneak peek at Bullseye- Struck by Cupid’s Arrow (Royal Bastards: Huntsville Chapter Book 10)—coming soon from K.L. Ramsey!
Katie Amor wasn’t looking forward to her birthday this year. Not only was she turning thirty, but her birthday was also on Valentine’s Day, and the idea of being single and alone really rubbed her the wrong way. All she had to do was stay in bed, pull the covers up over her head, and wait for February fifteenth.
She knew that if her best friend, Bea, had anything to say about her skipping out on her birthday, she’d be out all night, partying, and drinking, but that wasn’t her plan. All she needed was a good excuse to keep her best friend at bay and give her the quiet night in that she craved. That was going to be easier said than done though since Bea could smell a lie from a mile away. And to make this happen, Katie was going to have to lie her ass off, but she still had another week to figure it all out.
For now, she had to get to work on time, because her boss had already told her that if she was late one more time this week, she’d have to work the Saturday shift and that was something she tried to avoid like the plague. Working Saturdays in retail was the worst, even if she was in the corporate offices. She was a buyer for one of the city’s biggest department stores, Gimmels. She loved her job, but this time of year was always tough on her. She was stuck between the winter and spring season releases, and that somehow left her feeling stagnant in her own life. With spring a month away, things were looking up, she just had to get over Valentine’s Day, and then, it would be all steam ahead.
Honestly, Katie loved her job at Gimmels. She loved that she got to travel to different cities around the US while she shopped for things that were on-trend to sell at the department store. She worked primarily in buying housewares, but she branched out once in a while into women’s fashion. Her job wasn’t boring, and that’s what she loved most about it.
Katie got into her office with two minutes to spare, feeling pretty smug with herself until she found Bea sitting in her chair. “I believe that you’re in my seat,” she assessed.
“I’ve been waiting for over ten minutes for you, Katie. You’re late,” she accused.
Katie checked the time on her cell phone, holding it up for her best friend to see. “Nope,” she said proudly. “I’m two minutes early. What’s up, Bea? Shouldn’t you be down in cosmetics making sure that your minions don’t screw things up too badly?” Bea was the manager of the entire cosmetics department for Gimmels’ entire east coast. Katie especially loved when the two of them were able to travel together on buying trips for the store. It made her job so much more fun, having her best friend along with her. Bea was never boring, and she always found a good time, no matter where they were.
“I’ve come to discuss your birthday,” Bea announced. Katie groaned and tossed her bag onto her desk.
“No thank you,” Katie said.
“You cannot say, ‘No thank you’ to your birthday, Katie,” Bea insisted.
“Sure, I can—I just did,” Katie sassed. “While I appreciate your enthusiasm about me turning thirty, I’ve decided to ring in my new decade alone, in my apartment, away from sappy, loving couples out for Valentine’s Day.”
“I get that it sucks that your birthday falls on the most romantic day of the year, but you can’t just skip turning thirty because you don’t want to celebrate love,” Bea demanded.
“I don’t want to celebrate anything,” Katie corrected, “love or turning thirty.”