Page 61 of Mafia and Angel
“And what exactly did happen to their mother?” she asked carefully.
“That’s not your concern.” A muscle ticked in my jaw.
“Of course it is! I’m trying to help the children, and that includes helping them cope with their grief. How am I supposed to do that if I don’t even really know what they’re going through and what gossip you’re trying to protect them against?”
“That’s none of your damn business,” I hissed. “Don’t ever bring this up again—not to me and not to anyone else. Your only job is to keep the children safe.”
“Lorenzo, I would never bring the children anywhere I thought might be harmful to them.”
“They’remy children,” I spat out. “Clemente ismyson, and Clara ismydaughter. I decide what’s best for them, not you.”
She looked at me open-mouthed, her eyes shining with hurt.
But I didn’t have time for her feminine emotions. “This conversation is over.” I strode back to the dining room, leaving her to follow me.
Back at the table, everyone was busy either eating or talking. Two large lasagna dishes sat on the table, together with a platter of garlic bread and a large salad.
As I sat down, Marco looked at me carefully. “Everything okay?”
“It’s fine.” My tone made it clear that this was not something I was going to discuss here.
I was sat next to Clara, and I felt her small hand find its way under the table into my grasp. I looked at her and saw the relief apparent on her face, making guilt creep into my conscience, although I quickly brushed it away.
Danio passed me the lasagna, and I served myself a helping.
As we ate, I was glad to see that Clara was making inroads into her portion and that Clemente was also eating away, although he was also making a big mess.
Marco turned to Anni. “How are you finding your new role as a mom?”
I really didn’t want a discussion on the topic of Anni’s child-rearing skills. Couldn’t I just eat in peace? I shot Marco a death stare, but he just ignored me—the fucker.
“There’s a lot to learn, but I’m liking it.”
“I remember the shock of being thrown into the deep end,” replied Marco.
“You have kids?” Her mouth gaped open. “Sorry, I just mean that I knew you weren’t married, but I hadn’t realized that you had a baby-mama tucked away somewhere.”
Her words made Marco grin. “Nah, I haven’t got a baby-mama hidden away. After our parents died, me and Alessio had to bring up our younger siblings.”
Anni stared at him with wide eyes. It was clear that she couldn’t see him as the sort of person to have the patience to bring up a child or teach them right from wrong. “That must have been…an adjustment for you all.” She was attempting to be tactful in her choice of words.
“Yeah,” Marco shrugged, “but we managed. Like you will.”
Once dinner was finished, I called Giuseppe to come and pick up Anni and the kids. “I have to go back out with Marco to deal with some stuff. You’ll have to read the children their bedtime story.”
“Of course,” Anni replied stiffly, making me feel a pang of guilt that I was missing the children’s bedtime.
Kissing the children goodnight, I gave Anni a nod and then headed out with Marco.
As he drove us in his SUV to a meeting with a couple of our men, he looked across at me. “She’s good with the kids, you know.”
I was silent for a moment. “I take it you’re talking about Annie Oakley.”
“Yeah. You should cut her a break.”
I didn’t say anything in response. I really didn’t want to talk about Anni right now.
Marco, however, wasn’t one to be put off. “I watched her playing with Clara and Clemente. I was surprised at how good she was after you told me that she didn’t actually have any childcare experience.”