Page 83 of Mafia and Angel
“We need to find her,” I said.
“We should split up. I’ll get some of my men on it as well. With us all scouring the city, we’ll find her soon.”
“Giuseppe,” I barked. “Which car did she take and what was she wearing?”
“I didn’t see what she was wearing…”
“Fucking Christ! I pay you to be fucking observant and on top of your job!”
“I don’t like to stare at her, boss,” he tried to explain. “And she only rolled the window down a bit.”
“Get the fuck out of my sight before I do something I regret.”
Giuseppe scurried off, knowing it was in his best interests to get as far away from me as possible in my current state of mind. I’d deal with him later.
Aloysius headed off in his car, firing orders into his cell as he drove off, and I strode back to the garage to get another car.
As I walked to the garage, only one thought consumed me: once I found my errant wife, she’d be sorry that she ever dared to defy me.
I was at Cat-Con and the atmosphere was just awesome. I’d never been with so many like-minded cat fans, and everywhere I looked were so many exhibitors I wanted to speak to.
I’d already visited a number of stands and had purchased some new cat toys for Wilbur and got various cat-themed goodies for myself and the children.
A number of people had stopped me to tell me that they loved my costume. Another lady stopped me. “Oh my gosh, your cat costume outfit is great! It’s just so adorable,” she gushed.
I beamed at her. “Thank you. I moved to Chicago just recently, and this is my first time at Cat-Con.”
Despite my excitement, I was keeping a very close eye on my watch.
The time was passing fast, and I’d already been here for three hours.
All I had to do was make sure that I went back to my car in time to pick up the kids from their grandmother’s house and get home before dinner—and Lorenzo wouldn’t be any the wiser. I was wearing shorts and a tee under my costume, so I could just strip off my costume and hide it in the trunk once I got back in the car.
There were a couple thousand people here at least, all of them as excited as me to be attending. Chicago Cat-Con was a huge deal and got lots of media attention every year.
I was looking at the products at a stand when I heard a commotion coming from behind me.
I looked around and saw people dressed up in cat outfits. They were in a spirited mood and having a good time, I thought at first. But something about their demeanor was off.
I quickly realized that they were some sort of protesters invading the convention center.
They charged toward a stand which sold a famous cat food brand. “This company’s owner wears real fur!” one of them yelled. The protesters were all shouting at the same time. “She doesn’t really care about animals!”
Someone hurled a can of red paint over the stand and the people manning it.
A number of people began hurrying toward the exit and people started getting bumped into or pushed out of the way.
There must have been over a hundred protesters running through the center. They were all shouting and hurling red paint.
I was frozen to the spot, watching the drama unfold around me, before deciding I needed to get the hell out of here.
Security had been called and was dashing in at the same time as people were trying to get out.
A media crew who’d been filming some shots for a local news channel was blocking the exit I’d been heading for, making people turn back on themselves as they clambered to get to an alternative exit.