Page 73 of Mafia and Captive
Marco was signaling to me to wind up the call. I knew he had work to do, but I wished I could talk to Jessica for longer. “I’m sorry but I have to go now. I’ll try to call again soon, Jess. Take care of yourself.”
“Happy Birthday, Juliana.”
“I love you, Jess.”
“I love you too, Juliana.”
Then I heard the phone disconnect. I sat looking at the screen with tears rolling down my cheeks. After a few moments, I felt Marco wiping the tears away with his thumbs. “Hey, she sounded fine.”
“She didn’t sound happy.”
“I bet you didn’t sound happy after signing the contract to marry me.”
“Yes, but I know her. It seemed as though there was something else troubling her.”
“Don’t worry. She’s got all your family around to protect her.”
I shouldn’t have felt grateful to Marco for letting me call my sister, but I was grateful. He was a Made Man and his life was all about cruelty. Letting me talk to my sister was a show of kindness from him, a sign that he might really care about me.
I knew that lately I had been letting my guard down around him. When I thought about him, I no longer denied the attraction I felt toward him. He was good looking and had an impressive body; however, beyond his physical appearance, there was something else about him which was drawing me in.
His possessiveness toward me had frightened me previously. Now it exhilarated me, sending an electric shock through me when I thought about it.
I knew he would always be cruel and a killer and nothing would change that. Lately, though, he was different toward me, and I was starting to crave not only his touch but also his company.
Later I cooked a special dinner to mark Juliana’s birthday. And Debi baked her a chocolate cake.
We all sang happy birthday to Juliana, and she paused while she made a wish before blowing out the candles. I wondered what she had wished for. She seemed in good spirits albeit a little unsettled, no doubt due to the call with her sister earlier. But letting her talk to Jessica had been the right thing to do.
Juliana was right when she said she had been trying to adjust to her new life in Chicago. I couldn’t keep her a prisoner forever. She was my wife now and I wanted her to be a proper part of this family.
Not that it meant that I’d be giving her a cell phone of her own any time soon. The Fratellanza and Società were enemies now and I had to be careful about any communication between the sisters.
That night in bed, I told Juliana that perhaps she might want to thank me for her birthday present. My cock reacted every time she was near, and emotionally we were getting closer too.
After we had both come, we lay in bed with her in my embrace. I always felt closer to Juliana after sex. All the other shit that had happened didn’t come between us when she was in my arms like this.
I knew that for now at least, she was giving herself fully to me. And I imagined what it would be like if it could always be like this.
As I was falling asleep that night, Marco told me that he usually baked all the birthday cakes for the family, but that Debi had really wanted to bake the cake for me today.
“It was a great cake—she’s pretty good at baking,” I responded. “So, you can bake cakes too?”
“Yeah, after our mom died, I took over the job of making the birthday cakes. It had always been her job until our father killed her.”
Suddenly the sleepiness I had felt was banished from my mind. I quickly turned to Marco. “Your father killed her?” His face showed that he hadn’t meant to tell me that.
After a pause, he replied. “Yes. He shot her in the head.”
“But I thought...that…”
“That I’d killed my mom? I know that’s what the rumor mill said.”