Page 96 of Mafia and Captive
“No fucking way. I’ve given in over Mr. F living here, but we’re not having another dog in the house.”
I decided to quit while I was ahead. Today Alessio had admitted that he didn’t hate me and that was a massive step forward for me. This was my family now, and I had all the time in the world to build my life here.
The next day, I was watching Marco cook dinner. “So, you still think animals are more worthy of your care than humans?” he asked.
“Sometimes,” I answered slowly, not sure where he was going with this.
He fixed his dark stare upon me. “I’ve looked into it and if you still want to, then you can do a veterinary nurse college course.”
My jaw felt open. “You’re serious?”
Suddenly my soaring heart crashed back down to earth.
A frown crossed Marco’s brow. “What’s wrong? I thought you’d be pleased.”
“It’s just that my father made me leave school before I could get my high school diploma. I wouldn’t be accepted onto a college course.”
“You can get your high school diploma first. There’ll be distance-learning courses for all that shit too. And if you can’t get onto the course you want, I’ll just have to bribe the admissions officer—or do something else to him.”
I stood frozen to the spot for a few seconds, unbelieving of what I’d just heard. As comprehension sunk in, I flew into Marco’s arms, laughing and kissing him at the same time. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“There are conditions though,” he said sternly.
“Of course there are,” I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes.
“I’m not giving you complete free reign with this. You’re my wife now and attending college would pose too many dangers. You’ll have to study via distance-learning, and any practical classes you need to complete will be taught to you on a one-to-one basis.”
I couldn’t be a normal college student, but I didn’t care as I was so thrilled that he was allowing me to do this. Of course, I would have to take some time off when the baby was born, but there was no rush, and I could fit the course in around raising the baby.
“And I’m not saying you can get a job yet. That’s something we’ll have to talk about in the future. You’re going to be busy enough over the next few years studying and having babies.”
I nodded. “I’ll have as many babies as you want. I love you, Marco.”
“Good. I want you to be happy in this marriage. If going to school will make you happy, then I’m okay with that. Our way of life constrains us, but I’ll never be like your father—I’ll do whatever is in my power to make you happy and keep you safe at the same time.”
On the afternoon of the blessing, I got dressed with Debi’s help.
This time around, I was wearing a much simpler white dress. I’d worn an elaborate wedding dress twice now, but today was going to be different from the last two times. And today was definitely the last time I would be doing this.
My dress was full-length, fitted to my body and made of a light satin fabric, with narrow straps to hold it up.
I left my glossy dark hair to tumble over my shoulders, just like I knew Marco liked it, and my bouquet was an arrangement of white roses which Danio had collected this morning from the gardens and had bound together with a white ribbon.
When Danio came in with my bouquet, I turned from the mirror where I was getting ready. “Thanks, Danio, the roses are gorgeous, and this bouquet is just perfect,” I said while giving him a kiss on the cheek in thanks.
After he had gone, Debi said, “Danio’s really sweet, isn’t he? I mean, you know, for a guy.”
“Yes, he definitely got most of the charm genes in this family. One day he’s going to make a great husband for some lucky girl.”