Page 14 of Gentle & Broken
Mack’s eyes widened. “Um … I only want an upper body massage.” He had had hundreds of full body massages throughout his football career, they were a necessity for recovery, but the thought of being naked with Sariah in the same room didn’t sit right with him at all.
Her eyes narrowed. “Fine, undress from the waist up. The attendant will knock before entering.” She whirled and tapped away from him.
Wow, apparently you didn’t need people skills to be a receptionist at a massage therapy school. Mack closed the door, peeled off his shirt, and laid face down on the bed. His body covered the entire bed and his feet hung off the end. He figured he didn’t need the sheet with his pants still on.
Moments later, there was a soft tap on the door. “May I come in?” It was a male voice. Ah, no.
“Yeah,” Mack grunted.
The man entered, introduced himself, asked where Mack was feeling tight, etc. Mack responded and tried to relax as the man gave him a deep tissue massage. The guy was good, but Mack just wanted to find Sariah. He finally worked up the nerve to ask, “Do you know Sariah Udy?”
“Yes, sir, I do.”
“Is there any way I could speak to her?”
“I’m sorry. Sariah’s with a client right now.”
The man continued his kneading of Mack’s back, shoulders, and neck. When he finished, he told Mack to take his time getting up and to drink the water bottle he’d left for him then thanked him for coming.
Mack thought he responded appropriately, but his mind was searching for Sariah. He sat up quick, saw stars for a second, and chugged the water bottle. Hurrying to put his shirt on, he rushed out the door and down the hallway. Just his luck the same, stern lady was at the reception desk.
“How was your massage, sir?”
“It was great.” Mack pulled out his wallet and paid the crazy low rate of thirty dollars for a full-hour massage and left a thirty-dollar tip. “Can I please schedule another one?”
“Of course.” She tapped on her computer. “What date and time please?”
“Right now,” Mack said.
Her sharp gaze darted to him.
“Three o’clock, please.”
“You’re still hoping to find Sariah Udy?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Then she tapped on her screen some more and tilted her head. “This way, please.”
He followed her down the short hallway to a different room. The smells and the waterfall imitation sounds were the same, must be a standard for the school. He shut the door, took off his shirt, and laid down again, praying,Please be Sariah, please be Sariah.
The soft tap came on the door. “May I come in?” A female voice this time, but not the one he hoped for.
“Sure,” Mack grunted.
The woman came in and started asking him questions and working on him. Mack got through the questions before he started asking his own. “Do you know Sariah Udy?”
“Yes,” her voice became more cautious and Mack wondered if everyone in the universe was protective of his girl. Okay, not his girl, but maybe someday his girl.
“Could you get a message to her for me?”
“Maybe. What’s the message?”
“Tell her Mack Quinn is here and I’m going to keep getting massages until she is my therapist or school is over. If I don’t find her before school is over today can she please meet me out front at six?”
The girl worked a spot in his upper back with her elbow for a few seconds before replying, “I’ll give her the message. You play for the Patriots, right?”