Page 16 of Gentle & Broken
“I never have to doubt how much you like me,” Sariah said.
“Of course, I adore you.” Teresa laughed. “Mack Quinn came here for you.”
“H-he did?” Persistent, wasn’t he?
“He’s pretty hot, my girl, and he said he isn’t with Scarlett Lily. Do you like him?”
“What do you mean he isn’t with Scarlett Lily?” She ignored the question.
“That’s what he said when I questioned him about kissing her at the party. Said she wants his brother, Griff.”
“Oh.” Sariah’s brain felt like it was exploding. She sank into a chair, grateful no one else was in the room. “What else did he say?”
“He wanted your number but we didn’t know about that so he gave us his number. Oh, and Allie told him to go get a massage. Did he show up at your school?”
Sariah’s gaze darted around the classroom, as if he would appear suddenly. She wished he would. It seemed he was focused on finding her. Her heart fluttered at the thought.
Jane rushed into the room. “Sariah! You’ll never guess who I just did a massage on.”
“I’ve got to scatter, Teresa.”
“Okay, love. Let us know what happens.”
“I will, thanks.” She hung up the phone, stood on quivering legs, and faced Jane. “Mack Quinn?” she asked.
“Yes! How’d you know? He asked about you.”
“He did?”
Jane nodded, her blue eyes wide. “Oh, my goodness Sariah, he’s so tough. I’ve never worked on a body like that. Muscles upon muscles.”
Sariah was having a hard time breathing, imagining Mack with no shirt on. What would those muscles look and feel like?
“Joseph told me he worked on him the hour before me and he asked for you then. And get this, I just saw him walk into another room. Georgina’s with him, but I just know he’s trying to find you, getting massage after massage until he does. Do you want to go relieve her of her duties?” Jane giggled and squeezed her hand.
Sariah was having an out of body experience. Mack had traveled to Colorado and was obviously pursuing any lead to find her. She was hot and cold all over. Did she want to give him a massage? Yes!
“Sariah?” Jane’s eyes lost their sparkle. “Don’t you want to see him? It might take the entire school to protect you from him, but you know we would.”
Sariah shook her head and then nodded. “No, I mean, yes, please, I definitely want to dance my fingers over muscles upon muscles.”
Jane grinned again, taking her hand and tugging her toward the hallway that led to the treatment rooms. Sariah increased her pace. She should go freshen her makeup, spritz on body splash, make sure she didn’t have spinach from her lunch salad in her teeth, but the pull of Mack was too much.
They reached treatment room seven and Jane tapped softly on the door.
“Yes?” Georgina asked.
Jane opened the door. “I need you,” Jane lied.
Sariah stared at Mack lying face down on the massage table. His body took up the bed and then some. He had on some fitted dark gray chinos, and she was grateful he wasn’t completely undressed like most clients would be. She didn’t know if she could’ve handled seeing more of him than she already could. Jane had understated how many muscles he had and how fabulous those muscles looked. She froze in the doorway, aware Jane and Georgina were having a quiet conversation, but not registering any of it. She wanted to touch Mack Quinn, but more than that she wanted him to sit up and look at her, talk to her, hold her. Okay, her wants were piling up too quick.
“You’ll share the tip with Georgina?” Jane whispered to her.
“You can have all the tip,” Sariah said.
At the sound of her voice, Mack pushed up and in one swift move was on his feet. “Sariah?”
Jane shoved her into the room and shut the door. Sariah would’ve fallen, but it was a small room and Mack reached out and steadied her with a hand on her elbow. His handsome face split in a grin. “Sariah. I’ve been looking for you.”