Page 23 of Gentle & Broken
Mack got a suite at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Denver. He slept late the next morning then worked out for a couple of hours in the gym and ate breakfast before showering, getting his rental from the valet, and driving around Denver aimlessly. He found himself driving west and then up the mountain back to Sariah’s hometown of Georgetown. He wanted to go see her little brother, Josh, again but thought that might be too much. He contented himself with grabbing a couple of sandwiches at the Mountain Buzz Café then driving up the mountain pass. He stopped at a turnout that turned out to be a trailhead and went on a hike through the trees and along a creek. It was chilly outside and he felt awake and energized by it.
When he made it back to the Cherokee it was late afternoon. Only a few more hours until he could pick up Sariah. He drove I-70 for a while, simply enjoying the views of the mountains and then he headed back. As he left the towering mountains and headed east to Denver, his phone rang.
He pushed the button on the steering wheel. “Hello?”
“My favorite brother.”
“Navy! How’d you know I’ve been wanting to talk to you?”
She laughed. “Because you always want to talk to me. How’s life?”
“Great, but I need some womanly advice.”
“Whoa. That sounds intense, lucky for you I’m the woman to give it. What’s up?”
Mack stayed with the flow of traffic as he chatted. “I met someone.”
“Excuse me?” Navy sounded confused but Mack knew it was all a ploy. “You can’t date, you’re only like twelve-years-old.”
“Ha, ha. Try twenty-five, sis.”
“You blink and they grow up.” She gave a dramatic sigh. “Is this a serious met someone or is it like a Colt,I meet someone perfect every week, kind of deal?”
“It’s pretty serious.”
“Are you going to be following Ryder and Kaleb’s example into marital bliss?”
“Okay, not that serious.” Not that he was opposed to marriage or marrying Sariah, but he wasn’t one to rush into things. “What about you?”
She tsked her tongue. “Not talking about me and you know Colt’s too much of a player to get married and Griff’s too grumpy. So, I guess it is time for you. Mama needs grandbabies and all that business.”
“Does Mama give you a hard time about not giving her grandbabies?” The hurt in Navy’s voice came clearly through the line.
“Always, but once again, this isn’t about me. What’s her name and how’d you meet her?”
Mack changed lanes to let the Nissan riding inches off his bumper get around. “She came to my games all season, I got brave enough to talk to her after a couple of them. Then at the party celebrating the Super Bowl win we connected again. I couldn’t stop thinking about her so I had Griff track her down. By the way, did you know Griff dated Scarlett Lily in college?”
“No, and that is fabulous info to have, thank you.” Mack could just hear his sister’s brain clicking the info in to torment Griff later. He probably shouldn’t have shared it. “So, you found this mystery woman?”
“Yes. She lives near Denver. I took her to dinner last night. She’s amazing, sis.”
“But …” She drawled it out.
“There’s no but.”
“There is definitely a but. I know you, I know your buts in all forms. I changed your diapers for crying out loud. Tell me about the but.”
Mack laughed softly but this was why he wanted to talk to Navy. “She hides the right side of her face and neck with her hair. It’s really odd. I almost pushed the hair back yesterday and she freaked.”
He took the exit for Sariah’s school. It was close to six now.
“That is a little disturbing. So, what’s your question?”
“I just don’t know how to proceed. I don’t mind being chill and waiting for her to share her secrets with me, but what if there’s something really off with her mentally and I should ease back before I’m too invested?” The problem was he was already too invested and even though Sariah’s reaction had been intense he didn’t feel like she was crazy or anything.
“Why don’t you have Griff research her?”