Page 4 of Gentle & Broken
Sariah looked around in awe at the owner of the Patriots’ mansion. It looked like something straight out ofGone with the Windonly modernized and much, much bigger. The three-story mansion had the classic columns of a plantation home with a huge wrap-around porch encompassing the first and second levels. Sariah fancied herself sitting on one of the rocking chairs on the second story overlooking the tree-lined driveway and sweeping lawns and waiting for her love to ride up on horseback. The man she envisioned was large and had blond curls and bright blue eyes. She needed to stop her Mack Quinn fantasies. Mack hadn’t tried to approach her at the Super Bowl, not since the weird way Hyde pulled him away when he was talking to Sariah at the playoff game in California. She wanted to ask Hyde about it but he’d been understandably busy and there hadn’t been a conducive moment.
The party tonight was to celebrate the Patriots’ win over San Francisco. They were champions this year and Sariah’s youngest brother Josh couldn’t stop talking about it. He was adorable. Sariah had been invited to this party to accompany Teresa. She assumed it was because Hyde and Lily would be busy mingling and everyone wanted to make sure Teresa didn’t wander off or say something she shouldn’t. The lovely lady had been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s last year and she was doing well, but sometimes she got forgetful or confused.
Teresa and Sariah wandered around the vast ballroom together, trying some of the food, talking, and mostly people-watching. There were a lot of well-known celebrities, in addition to all the football players who were famous in their own right. Sariah made sure her hair was in place. Self-conscious didn’t begin to describe how she felt in this situation. These were the shiny, happy people and she didn’t fit. Lily not only fit, she rose above others around her because of her kindness, natural beauty, and spunk. Sariah was so proud of her sister, and wished she could hide behind her.
The owner of the Patriots, Bucky Buchanan, dominated the scene. Sariah had heard he was a storyteller and she could see crowds gathered around him as his boisterous voice carried from twenty feet away.
Her eyes kept wandering as she prayed that Mack Quinn would be here. All the players should be here, so why not him?
Teresa tensed beside her and Sariah immediately refocused. “Teresa? Are you all right?”
Teresa nodded but her breath was coming too fast for Sariah’s liking. Sariah took one of her hands and started kneading it gently between both of her own. Any kind of massage calmed Teresa down but Sariah didn’t think it was a great idea to grab her employer’s shoulders and start working on relaxation techniques at this upscale party.
“I’m fine, sweetie,” Teresa murmured. “Look.”
Sariah followed Teresa’s gaze and noticed the owner, Bucky, striding toward them. He wasn’t exactly handsome but he had a commanding presence with a well-worn face and a cowboy look that reminded Sariah of John Wayne. People tried to waylay him and he would graciously shake their hands and say a few words with each of them, but didn’t stop for long. He was obviously focused on reaching Teresa. His eyes were a deep blue and they twinkled as he approached Sariah and Teresa. His entourage didn’t follow him, but many eyes in the room were watching his progress.
He extended both hands to Teresa. “Teresa Metcalf, as I live and breathe,” his Southern accent was charming and Sariah noticed Teresa was blushing prettily. “How do you become more beautiful every time I see you?”
Teresa pulled her hand free of Sariah’s grasp and clasped his hands. “You old charmer. I don’t believe a word of your flattery.”
Sariah hid a laugh. These two were flirting. In front of the crowd. She looked around for Hyde and Lily and saw them clear across the ballroom. They weren’t aware Bucky was hitting on Teresa yet. Teresa’s divorce from Hyde’s dad, who deserted them both a year ago, had only been finalized last month. Sariah had never seen Teresa so much as glance at a man her age.
“You know I couldn’t tell a lie if someone hogtied me and branded me for it,” Bucky said. “Your beauty is unsurpassed and I’m pleased as a good shot of whiskey that you’ve graced my home with your lovely face.”
“You stop it.” Teresa pulled one hand and waved it in front of her face. “You’ll make me blush.”
“You’re already blushing, darlin’.” He winked at her then finally released her hands and offered his hand to Sariah. “Sariah Udy? It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, little lady.”
Sariah shook his hand, surprised he knew who she was, but she and Lily did look quite a bit alike. “You even talk like John Wayne.”
He joined in her laughter, not appearing the least bit put out. “But I’m much more charming and wealthy, right?” He arched an eyebrow as if daring her to refuse him.
“Charming as a lion, I’m sure.”
“Teresa thinks I’m charming.” He turned his attention back to her. “Now that I’ve got you here, I have to show you my gardens.” He extended his elbow to her then glanced at Sariah. “You don’t mind, do you?”
Sariah shook her head, though it worried her to not be close to Teresa. Would Hyde care? Who would Sariah talk to in this crowd?
Teresa gave Sariah a happy grin as she and Bucky started across the ballroom toward a balcony door. It was probably a great boost for Teresa to feel pretty and desirable after what her ex-husband had put her through, but Sariah worried. What if Teresa got confused or said something that offended Bucky, who was basically Hyde’s boss?
They disappeared out the open door and Sariah hurried to where Hyde and Lily were chatting with Rigby Breeland and his wife. Hyde saw her coming and he must’ve seen the concern on her face because he excused himself and hurried to meet her. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she said. “But your mom went on a stroll with Bucky Buchanan out to his gardens.”
Hyde’s shoulders lowered and he smiled. “Bucky’s a good guy and he knows everything about my mom. He’ll be kind to her.”
“Okay. I just feel so responsible for her.”
“Thanks, Sariah.”
“I’ll go sit outside and keep an eye out,” Sariah said.
“Thanks.” He turned back to Lily and the Breelands, who were watching both of them.
Sariah smiled at her sister so Lily would know she was fine. Both Hyde and Lily had been worried about her coming tonight, knowing she didn’t like attention and was happier doing her massage therapy or working in the garden with Teresa and Allie. The thing she hadn’t told them was she wanted to come, hoping to see Mack Quinn.
She hurried toward the door Bucky and Teresa had disappeared out of and searched the property. The pool area was well-lit and landscaped with waterfalls, decorative pools, and a couple of hot tubs. Sariah strode down the descending patios, past the pools, and saw the beautiful flower gardens. The lights in the garden were softer but Sariah could still see several couples strolling along the lit paths that were filled with some spring flowers in bloom and others still budding, flowering bushes, and trees. The darkness beyond looked to be a thick forest. It smelled fresh out here, similar to the Colorado mountains that she loved so much. She wished she could see it all in the daylight.