Page 43 of Gentle & Broken
Mack stepped closer to her. “Did he hurt you?” He glanced at where Tyler had disappeared, as if he would go after him and truly smash his nose for hurting Sariah.
“No.” Sariah wrapped her palms around Mack’s face and turned him back to look at her. “But I hurt you.”
Mack’s blue gaze softened. “I understand why you did.”
“Sorry I overreacted.”
“It’s okay. And I might even recover … if you promise never to leave me again.”
Sariah’s shoulders relaxed and she felt all lit up inside. Mack was here. They were back to their teasing. He was her hero.
“I might be able to promise that,” she said, “If you can tell me you forgive me, and kiss me until I forget what state I was born in.”
“That’s easy. I’ll always forgive you and kissing you is my favorite thing to do.”
“Well then, get busy.” Sariah grinned.
Mack laughed and wrapped his arms around her back, tugging her against him. Sariah arched up to meet him. His lips met hers and she was filled with love and acceptance.
Mack pulled back and traced his fingers along both sides of her neck, pushing her long hair further back from her face. She trembled under his touch. “I like your hair this way,” he said.
The last vestiges of horror from seeing Tyler and feeling like she wasn’t worthy of Mack disappeared. She could trust Mack and knew he’d embrace every part of her. “Do you now?”
He nodded. “I like all of you, in every way.”
“Well, that’s good because I love every bit of you too.” She looked him over. “Lots to love.”
“That’s right.” He grinned and softly kissed her again. “I love you back.”
No more words were needed as Mack lifted her off the ground and proceeded to kiss her until she was certain that he loved all of her.
“You ready for this?” Mack asked, squeezing her hand.
“Bring it on.” Sariah winked at him, straightening her shoulders and pushing her hair behind her right ear. She’d broken the nervous habit of pulling it forward. The empowerment of loving herself was entwined in the beauty of how Mack loved her.
Mack looked devastatingly handsome in a navy-blue suit. She was wearing a sleeveless floral dress that showed off her shoulders and neck and hit just below her knees. Instead of feeling exposed and awkward, she felt pretty and light, but she always felt that way with Mack by her side.
Scarlett Lily approached them. She was on the show today as well.
“Are you on next?” Scarlett asked.
Mack shook the actress’ hand. “Yes, ma’am. This is my fiancée, Sariah Udy.”
Sariah also shook her hand. “It’s fabulous to meet you. I love your shows.”
“Thank you. So, you’re one of the smart women who snagged a Quinn boy.”
“Lucky women,” Sariah corrected. She tilted her head. “I hear you’re going to whip Griff into line for us.”
Scarlett gave a chortled laugh as Mack threw back his head and roared with laughter. “Nobody could whip Griff into line,” Mack said.
“I’m afraid he’s right.” Scarlett smiled, but it was strained. Her clear green eyes looked so sad Sariah couldn’t help but hug her.
“Are you okay?” Sariah asked, wondering if her angst was related to her disappearance a few months ago.
Scarlett shook her head. “No, but I’m happy for you two.”