Page 3 of Tempted By The Queen
“Amaze…what?” She rolls her eyes playfully before reaching for her coffee, taking a sip and waving me off. She places her coffee back on the table and steeples her hands together eyeing me.
“So, I have plans today.” I nod, not sure what else to do. “But tonight, I have no plans.” I nod again which just earns me an eye roll from her. “I’m asking if you would like to do dinner… with me… tonight?” My eyes widen, surprised she would be bold enough to ask me that. The longer it takes for me to answer, her bravado slowly flees her body and her shoulders begin to sag. When her eyes drop to her lap, I reach out and place my hand a top of hers. This is the perfect opportunity to get her alone and finish this.
“I’d love to, I can pick you up about––”
“Seven would be great.” I bite my tongue fighting the smile that wants to break free. She thinks she is in control here, and I’ll allow her to think that, for now. She gives me her number and the name of her hotel, telling me to text her when I’m in the lobby.
* * *
After leaving Carlina at the café, I took cover on the other side of the street in a store. All she has done for the last three hours is watch people—sometimes she will smile at a couple, other times she will frown. When she frowns her nose scrunches slightly and her eyes will crinkle in the corners giving her a more youthful look. From this distance I could fool myself into thinking she is a normal teenage girl enjoying her summer break, but I do know better. She is the heiress to one of the biggest mob families in the US and her future sister-in-law’s father runs the whole of Miami. What are the fucking chances Kiara Bennett would end up with Bishop, and together they will be the ultimate power couple unless they are stopped.
I push away those thoughts when Carlina stands from her chair and gathers her phone and purse. I follow after her, keeping a good distance back so she won’t spot me. I keep following her until she walks inside her hotel. What she doesn’t know is I have a room here as well. The room right next door to hers to be exact. I give it ten minutes before I go in and head up to my room. I quickly let myself in and lock the door behind me, then shove the chair under the handle just in case her brothers decide to show up and drag her home.
I drop onto the bed and grab my laptop, bringing up the file I have on her. Everything there is to know about Carlina Murdoch is right here. Except, after spending the time I have with her, none of this information seems accurate. She doesn’t seem like the stuck-up princess she is made out to be, though she is definitely spoiled and sheltered. Finding information on this girl was a lot harder than it should have been, she is like a ghost. She wasn’t even registered at school under her name, there is no birth certificate or even a fucking dental record for this girl. I read over the information again when it finally sinks in, her identity was kept secret from the world because her father didn’t want anyone to know she existed.
I pull my phone from my pocket and scroll through my contacts until I land on Marco’s name, he is the only person in this fucking piece of shit world I trust. Just so happens, the guy is my cousin and works in the family I fucking hate. The phone rings for so long I think he might not answer until he does.
“Vin, what can I do for ya my brother?” I smirk even though he can’t see me, Marco is an informant for me. I’m in this line of work to take down each of these fucking families who think they have the right to rule over an entire fucking city and take what they want with no remorse. I’ve taken out men they have made deals with for years, I’m attacking their business first before going after them directly, I want them to sweat it out and know I’m coming.
“You good to talk?” I hear some shuffling in the background and a door closing before he speaks again.
“I can now, what’s up?” Marco knows I’m on a job, I never discuss details of a job with him but this time I need his help. I don’t kill without all the facts and I feel like I am missing something big here, I never meet the people who hire me. I’m a contractor of sorts, they contact the agency I work for––again I’ve never met any of them before, just came upon them by chance. The agency offers out the jobs and you can either accept or decline. Needless to say, when I saw her name I accepted the job without thought.
“You heard of Carlina Murdoch?”
“She one of the chess brother’s girls?” I stifle my laughter. Marco hates the Murdoch’s as much as I do. His reasons and mine differ but that’s another story.
“Nah, man, apparently they have a sister.” I hear his sharp intake of breath through the phone, at least I’m not the only one who didn’t know she existed.
“How the fuck do they have a sister and how the hell did we not know about her?” I fill him in on everything I know, then let him know that she is the target for this job. “If this shit is true, you take her out and you know they will come for you. Your father is in deep with the Russians right now. He and the other two families have banded together so they stand a chance against Bishop.” Hearing that my piece of shit father has teamed up with rival families shocks me. That fucker never wants to split profits, so it tells me that the Murdoch’s have him running scared.
“I’m not worried about them coming after me, I’ll disappear for a while after this job. I need more information on this Russian shit. I need to know why the Murdoch’s are making a move against the families. What has that fucker got going on with the Russians?” Marco is silent for a beat and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
“He and the other four families went into business with the Russians for the skin trade. We send girls, they send guns and other shit.” I grip my phone so tight I fear I may shatter the fucking thing. “Ever since Bishop took over for Tony, he has been shutting it down. The other families rebelled so he is coming after everyone. He has three left to get to before he runs New York.”
“He doesn’t have the numbers to go after the fucking Bratva!”
“That’s why he’s coming after the families, he is taking over their turf and staking claim to the men to use as his army. His fiancée’s father also runs Miami, so we think he’ll be using Tony Bennett’s men as well to take out Vlad.”
Fuck, I may hate each of the families but even I can respect what Bishop is doing here. Bishop’s going to take out all the families until he is the only one left. I need to keep my fucking head on straight, finish this job and lay low until the dust settles… then go after the fucking Don of the family who sold my sister!
I text Vin twenty minutes ago to let him know I wouldn’t be coming tonight, he hasn’t replied. I feel bad but at the end of the day I need to keep my wits about me. Something felt off today and I’ve learned to trust my gut feelings. So, I ordered room service after I hopped out of the tub and now, I’m sitting here on the end of my bed watchingSupernaturalwhile I wait for my dinner to be delivered. My phone rings for like the hundredth time today, I glance down and when I see its Kiara, I decide to answer it.
“I’m fine.” I rush to say as soon as I answer.
“Fucking hell! Bishop is losing his mind, Car. I told you to keep me updated and you haven’t done that!” I can hear my brother shouting in the background and cringe. When I hear a door close I know Kiara has moved away from him. “Are you okay?” Guilt eats at me.
“I’m sorry, I should have checked in sooner but I got… distracted.” By a tall, hot, bronzed God and my labia decided to think for me instead.
“Seriously? That’s all you have to say after not calling or texting. I had to tell him, Car.” A resigned sigh escapes me and I drop my chin to my chest.
“Is he coming to get me?” I whisper.
“No.” My head snaps up in shock.