Page 17 of Arthur
She blushes deeper. “Tell me the most romantic date you’ve been on.”
“Easy, a few nights on my boat in the Caribbean. Secluded, romantic, and I had her all to myself for three solid days. I don’t think we moved from the bedroom.” I smirk. “That’s a lie, we moved around the boat doing the same actions that belong in the bedroom.”
“Of course, you have a boat,” she mutters, rolling her eyes.
“I sold it. Too many memories.”
“Because of the woman?”
“Because I killed her and her lover on it.” She gasps, and I take a drink, unsure why I just confessed that to her. Luckily, my mobile begins buzzing in my pocket. I retrieve it and sigh. “It’s your brother.” I answer, “Mav, she’s safe. She’s with me.”
“What the fuck happened tonight?” he yells. “And why was my sister on the Abbey Road estate?”
“Hasn’t Rosey filled you in?”
“All she told me was she was doing her job and no one got hurt, so I should fucking chill.” I want to laugh at how laidback Rosey is, but I don’t. Instead, I tell him I’ll bring Meli home and explain everything.
“Why are you yelling?” I hiss while Mav paces angrily.
“Because they exposed you to a gang full of street rats who’ll take any opportunity to make a bit of cash,” he yells.
“It’s not that deep,” mutters Rosey, filing her nails and not looking the least bit sorry. “Newsflash, your sister isn’t a child, Mav.”
He slams both hands on his desk, leaning forward in a threatening manner. I only got back five minutes ago, and he’s not cooled down at all. She raises her eyes to meet his but isn’t scared, not even a little. “She’s been through a lot,” he growls.
I rise to my feet, feeling horrified he’d say that in front of Rosey, who’s also dealt with a lot of shit, and Arthur, who knows nothing of my past and I’d like to keep it that way. “You’re so out of order,” I mutter, heading for the door.
“I’m looking out for you,” he yells.
I scoff. “You’re years too late, Mav.” I hear Rosey’s sharp intake of breath as I leave the office. I regret the words as soon as they’ve left my mouth, but I can’t take them back now I’ve said them. I make my way to the bar because it will be busy and he’s less likely to cause a scene there, if he bothers to follow me at all.
Hadley and Rylee are sprawled out on the couch, and I shove my way in between the pair so they have to sit up.
“Who are you hiding from?” asks Hadley.
“Mav,” I mutter, folding my arms and slouching back. “He’s driving me nuts.”
“He wasn’t happy with the whole street gang party,” Rylee confirms.
“You guys have to help me,” I say desperately. “I can’t keep living like this. How the hell will I ever meet a man with him constantly watching over my shoulder?”
“He just wants to keep you safe,” says Rylee.
“I don’t need him to, Rylee. I’m a grown woman!”
“Really?” comes Mav’s voice from behind me. I groan, sinking lower into the couch. “Because you don’t fucking act like it, Amelia.”
“God, do you realise how much you sound like Dad right now?” I know those words will hurt him.
He moves around the couch until he’s standing in front of me. He’s raging, and there’s practically steam coming from his ears. “You want to live like a real grown-up, Meli? Be my guest. Cos there’s a big wide world out there just waiting for you. Try getting a job instead of living off me and Mum.”
Mama B walks over. It’s not often she gets involved in our arguments, but I can see that today, she intends to. “Why are you yelling?” she asks Mav.
“Because it’s all he does,” I snap.