Page 2 of Arthur
He visibly swallows. “I don’t understand.”
“Enjoy it,” I tell him, getting a good grip on his shoulders. He frowns, and I shove him hard. “In hell,” I add as he falls backwards over the wall onto the street below.
I grab my bag and pull out a jumper and tracksuit bottoms. I slip them on and tuck my hair into a cap. I can hear screaming below as I gather everything up and make a run for the fire exit. I slam it closed and rush down the stairs, all the way to the ground level. I push through some swing doors into a kitchen area. It’s not been used for years, since the restaurant was bought out by the nightclub owners. I push out the exit and into a back alley which leads to the street beside the club. There are couples kissing and I dodge past them, breaking out into the busy street.
There’s chaos as I calmly pass the nightclub entrance. The customers who are normally queuing outside to get in are all around the other side of the building, and as I pass, I see them crowded around Jeremy’s lifeless body. Mobile phones are alight in the air as they hold them high above each other’s heads to catch a glimpse. The youth of today have no compassion.
“What’s happened?” I ask a girl who’s sobbing into her hands.
“A man just jumped from the roof.”
“Fuck. Is he okay?”
She wails, shaking her head. “No, he’s dead.”
“It’s all over social media,” says Tommy, the youngest of my brothers. He thrusts his mobile phone under my nose. “It went live on TikTok. Sick bastards,” he adds.
It doesn’t surprise me. Everything goes on social media these days, from someone’s dinner to a messy breakup. Why should death escape the limelight? I pause the CCTV footage and sigh heavily. “Get her to me, now.”
Tommy tucks his mobile phone away. “Albert already called her. She’s on her way.”
Albert, the second oldest and my right-hand man, is a godsend. Out of the four of us, we are the closest in age, and as brothers, it’s always been that way. He’s always thinking two steps ahead of me, which makes my life easier.
Minutes later, the office door opens and in she walks. Rosey. Murderess, temptress, and batshit crazy employee. Although she’d argue we’re business associates.
She plops herself down in the chair opposite me and lifts her feet onto the edge of my desk. Tommy raises an eyebrow in surprise, but I don’t. She’s got balls of steel and wouldn’t think anything of her disrespectful move. “Whatcha.”
“Whatcha?” I repeat, arching a brow. “Is that kid speak for hello?”
“Yeah, my kid keeps saying it. It’s catchy.”
I lean forward and sweep her feet from my desk. She sits up, straightening her back, ready for the fight that’s about to ensue. “Fifteen minutes,” I snap. “You took fifteen minutes to push him. What the fuck happened up there?”
“I like to talk, what can I say?”
I inhale loudly so she knows she is testing my patience. “You like to talk?” I repeat. “You like to fucking talk before you kill your target?” I yell the words, and she rolls her eyes. Why is she the only human I’ve come across who’s not shit scared when I yell?
“We all do it differently. I’m sure you’re a quick, clean-cut type of guy who wipes his blade and tucks it away neatly in his pocket. I like to talk.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Someone could have seen you and followed you up.”
“They didn’t.”
“You take too many risks, Red.”
She hates my nickname for her since she dyed her natural red hair to black. “I do it my way. I’ve been doing it my way for many years. If you don’t like it, don’t hire me.” She rises to her feet.
“Sit the fuck down,” I growl. She might be a part of The Perished Riders MC, but she’s on my payroll and she’ll leave when I tell her.
There’s a knock on the door before she can respond and Albert comes in. “We’re good. They have it down as suicide. Jumped to his death, apparently.”
“Did you at least put the iPad back?” I ask, glaring at Rosey.
“Of course, I’m not an amateur.”