Page 48 of Arthur
“You had sex with her,” she mutters.
I nod, placing a kiss on her nose. “And I regret it deeply. If it helps, I don’t remember any of it.”
“That doesn’t help,” she mutters sulkily.
“I’ll explain everything when I get back,” I say, kissing her.
She pulls back. “Where are you going?”
“I have a meeting.”
“You’re not leaving her here with me,” she hisses.
“Angel, come on, it’s not that bad.”
Her eyes widen. “Would you want to sit and drink wine with a man I’d slept with, a man you’d caught me naked with?”
I gently rub my thumb over her jugular. “It wouldn’t happen, Angel, because he’d already be dead.” I kiss her again, harder this time, stealing her breath. “Now, don’t put dark thoughts in my head right before I’m about to leave. Things could turn ugly out there.”
Five of our captains are waiting for us in a secluded, disused factory. Albert shakes hands with one of them. “Mr. Taylor, we’ve been trying to get hold of Daryll all day. No one’s seen him.”
“When’s the next supply meant to be collected?” I ask.
“It was today,” Albert replies.
I frown. “So, no drugs went out at all?” I snap, and Albert shakes his head. “Fuck, we can’t have that shit just sitting around waiting for a raid.”
“Some of our runners have gone over to E15,” one of the men says. “They couldn’t miss a day and lose out on money.”
“Fuck,” mutters Albert. “I’ll get the supply out tonight. Have you got enough runners to take it to the selling points?”
They nod. Daryll sorts out the supply house, cutting the drugs and handing it to the runners, who then distribute it to drug houses we have set up. The users collect from there. We have sellers in all our bars and Mav’s. That means nothing’s selling on our patch tonight, leaving E15 open to fill our users with their shit.
“You got any names for us?” I ask.
“Just what we told Albert earlier, boss. The two brothers work under the leaders, but we don’t have names above them.”
Albert is already on his phone, sorting out the supplies. “Okay. Get word out the flow is back up and running. Any more problems, you call Albert direct.” I hand him Albert’s business card. He saves the number in his phone, and I take the card back. It’s risky tying Albert’s number to him, but we don’t have a choice.
By the time I get home, it’s late and the house is in darkness. I go up to my room, ready to explain things to Meli, and find the bed empty. There’s a note on the sheets, and I snatch it up.Decided to go home. Let me know when your guest has left. I’m tired, and this is the last thing I need. I try to call, but she doesn’t answer, and there’s no way I’ll get into the clubhouse at this hour. I screw the note up and throw it across the room.
I’m confused. I slowly push myself to sit up, realising I’m on the ground. My head pounds as I look around at the contents of my bag spilled out around me. I remember walking home from Arthur’s and trying to call Rosey.My phone. I grab my bag, but it’s empty and my phone isn’t amongst the contents on the ground.Fuck. I begin to collect my things, stuffing them in the bag. There’s a man walking across the road from me, and he stops. “Are you okay, love?” he asks. I nod, wincing as I push to stand. My ribs hurt. “You’re pretty beat up,” he says, crossing the street towards me. “Fuck, what happened?”
I gently bring my fingers to my face and feel wetness under my eye. He’s right, there’s swelling and blood. “I think I got mugged.”
“Is there anyone I can call, the police maybe?”
I shake my head. “No, it’s fine. I don’t know my brother’s number, and they took my phone.”
“Can I at least walk you home?” I nod, smiling gratefully when he holds out his elbow for me to take. “I’m Harry, by the way.”
“Meli,” I mutter.
“You might need the hospital,” he says.