Page 112 of Darkest Desires
“I’ve not seen him give a shit like this in... I dunno… fuckin’ forever. And oh myGod, it’s annoying.” Caelan sits up on the bed. “You know he won’t shut up about you? I mean, no offense, doll, it’s not that that’s annoying. It’s the goddamn ‘oh, what if I’m accidentally manipulating her into liking us’ and ‘oh, but we’re not good people. Don’t you think she deserves better,’ and I’m like, shut the fuck up.”
I turn to stare at Caelan, butterflies suddenly churning in my stomach. “He really talks about that?”
Caelan huffs an irritated sigh. “And Igetit. It’s not like I haven’t been worried about hurting you too. But overthinking achieves nothing. All we can do is our best. Elias keeps saying I live too much in the moment, but the moment is all we have and hell yeah, I’m gonna enjoy everything I can while I get the chance.”
“Is that why you came to see me tonight?”
“Maybe a little. I just want to spend time with you, that’s all.”
Suddenly, I’m tempted to forget about the club idea and just crawl into his lap and start kissing him. As brash as he can be, Caelan is oddly sweet, and I don’t think he realizes it.
Swallowing down the small lump in my throat, I turn back to the wardrobe. Screw it. I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I want to look hot for Caelan. If I’m with him, no one else will dare give me any unwanted attention anyway. Short skirt it is, and a lacy bodysuit top with a deep plunge that shows off rather a lot of cleavage.
Resting my knee on the bed, I lean over to kiss Caelan. Just briefly because I still feel ready to make out with him for an eternity, and we’ll never get anywhere if I start that.
“I’m gonna shower,” I inform him. “I’ll be two minutes.”
“’Kay,” Caelan agrees before his grin morphs into something more lewd. “I’ll be here thinking about you all wet and naked.”
I choke on a laugh and teasingly flick his forehead. “I’d invite you to join me, but then itdefinitelywouldn’t take only two minutes.”
I press a quick peck to his lips and retreat to the bathroom because, dammit, now Caelan has me thinking abouthimall wet and naked, and I don’t need to start getting all flustered already.
Two minutes may have been overambitious, but I still don’t take all that long. After I dry off, I put on the outfit I picked out, throwing on extra eyeliner and mascara for good measure.
“Okay, ready,” I announce as I return. I grab my purse and transfer a few essentials, including my wallet and phone, from my college bag, then slip my shoes on.
Caelan responds with a low whistle. “Very cute.” He purrs approvingly. He stands and grips me by the hips, pulling me flush against him. “I can’twaitto dance dirty with you.”
My face flushes. Not so much at the promise, I’ve already figured that any dancing involving Caelan at a club would end with shameless grinding, and, oh, I am very much down for that. It’s more because I can already feel him, half-hard and pressing against me through his tight jeans.
This is going to be a very interesting evening.
We make our way out of the apartment building and onto the street, where I catch the guard on reception watching and raise my hand sheepishly in acknowledgment. By now, the staff here must have seen me leaving with Elias and Caelan on several separate occasions. I wonder what sort of conclusions they’ve come to.
“So, d’you know where any clubs are?” Caelan asks.
I shake my head at him, giggling. “Caelan, come on. Did you just show up here with no idea where you wanted to go beyond ‘a club?’”
“Pretty much,” he admits shamelessly.
“Well, it’s not like I know any places, really. There’s downtown. There are a ton of bars and clubs there. Or there are some places nearby. I walk past them on the way to the shops all the time, but I’ve never actually been in.”
“It’ll be less packed here than downtown, right?”
“I guess so. Probably.”
“Let’s stick ’round this area, then.”
It’s not downtown, but my apartment complex is very close to the main road running through one of the other moderately major areas of the city. It’s big enough to have its own vibe, and has plenty of restaurants, bars, and eclectic stores. It’s a little ironic, given I never go out.
Caelan hooks his arm around my waist. “So, where are we going?”
“Um… if we go past the coffee shop—”
“The one you and Elias hang out in all the time?”