Page 122 of Darkest Desires
“As I say, darling, there is absolutely no pressure for you to use anything—”
“I want to,” I interrupt immediately. I turn to Elias and Caelan, a slow, wide grin spreading over my face. “Are you kidding? This is… I mean, give me a sec to get my head around everything, butdamn.”
“That’s a good damn, right?” Caelan asks.
“Caelan, I’ve already let you fuck me up with a knife. You know I’m good for some kinky shit.”
Beyond our nights together at the gala, we haven’t had much of an opportunity to explore the kinks we spent so long talking about. My apartment isn’t exactly set up for that sort of thing, and I have to be constantly mindful of the neighbors’ hearing. Beyond a bit more bondage and some general roughness, which, frankly, just comes with the territory for them, none of the sex we’ve had since I’d exactly call kinky.
Butthis. The possibilities are endless.
And there’s no one around to hear me scream.
I look at the ropes, cuffs, and toys, and something in me squirms in delight. Everything I’ve ever wanted to try is now at my fingertips.
When I look back at them again, Elias and Caelan are staring at me with a heat in their eyes that makes my knees weak. Caelan’s expression is downright predatory, like he wants to shove me back against the bed and have his way with me right now. Elias is more composed, but he’s wearing that quiet, calculating look that makes me feel like he’s carefully planning all the things they could do with me here.
“Well,” he says smoothly, yet still with a touch of roughness underlying his tone. “Perhaps we can agree on something to try later. For now, why don’t we head back upstairs?”
I brush my lips against Elias’. “I’m gonna hold you to that,” I inform him.
“Oh, this is gonna be fun,” Caelan comments.
Even as we return upstairs, I can’t stop thinking about that goddamn basement room. We agree that food is something we should sort out, more for my benefit than theirs, and end up deciding to order Chinese delivery.
We settle into the living room, and I end up huddled on the sofa next to Elias while Caelan leans against me with his legs hanging over the armrest. We eat, talk, and laugh, while half my mind is still downstairs.
Internally, I sigh to myself. It’s only been two goddamn weeks. The last few dates with Elias and Caelan haven’t given rise to a chance to be intimate with them. Circumstances, neighbors, and time denied us that pleasure. But two weeks is not that long, considering how long I’ve gone without seeing them before and how long I went with no relationship at all before meeting them.
So, there’s no reason I should be so worked up.Dammit. There isn’t really any way to put it that isn’t crude. I’m fucking horny. They’re right there, so close, teasing me with constant, casual touches, and they have a goddamn sex dungeon in the basement, and I’m so into it.
I want them.
I bite my lip, considering it as I watch Caelan animatedly ramble about something and Elias smirk quietly, fondly, in silent response. I love them. I trust them. And maybe they make me feel confident enough to be bold about my desires.
I give Caelan a soft shove to get him off me, then a peck on the cheek as an apology, grinning at his mildly offended expression. Like he’s a cat I dared to shift from its favorite spot. “I’m gonna just go get changed quickly,” I say by way of explanation.
The unspoken assumption is that I mean into pajamas. It’s that time of late evening when getting comfortable, cozy, and ready for bed is an acceptable act. I don’t correct them.
In my bag upstairs, I have the lingerie I packed. It’s not thenicestlingerie, the gorgeous stuff is beyond my price range, but I have the basics. I might have bought some of it for an occasion just like this. I already owned the black lacy panties and matching black balcony bra that covers only half of my breasts. The garter belt and stockings are a new set I bought to match them better.
I still feel mildly self-conscious about being quite so forward, so I throw a short, silk nightie, perhaps negligee would be a more accurate term, over the top.
Silently, I make my way back downstairs to where Elias and Caelan are waiting. They’re still engaged in conversation. Caelan says something snarky, and Elias laughs, and the casual comfort and intimacy between them seems almost too good to interrupt.
My fingers toy with the hem of the nightie. It’s only just long enough to cover my panties, and very much leaves the garters visible. For a moment, I internally debate how good of an idea this is, but then Elias glances over and catches sight of me, and the immediate lust in his eyes is the most gratifying thing I could have imagined.
Caelan notices the way Elias has suddenly tensed and peers over as well. His eyebrows raise, and he lets out a low whistle. “Damn, doll.”
Elias says nothing. He only gestures me forward with an abrupt motion of his hand, tapping on his knee. I go to him, anticipation curling in my gut as I climb onto his lap.
“So, Shannon. Is this how you feel about it?” Elias asks, something that’s almost a growl in his voice. His hands slide along my thighs, settling on my hips and bunching up the silk fabric to half-expose the lingerie beneath. Just that much is enough to make me shiver.
“Take me downstairs,” I request softly. “Please, Sir.”
Sitting in his lap like this, I can feel exactly how he’s reacting. How quickly he’s hardening. The darkness and desire in his gaze as he drinks me in, and I moan when Elias roughly claims my mouth.
Caelan, never content to be left out, runs his clawed nails down my spine and leans in to kiss the side of my neck. Then he grazes his teeth, nipping and sucking at the sensitive flesh until I’m certain he’s going to leave hickeys.