Page 13 of Darkest Desires
“Caelan, were there any wound closure strips in the first-aid kit? Those would be more suitable.”
“If there were, I would’ve used them. I’m not stupid.”
Elias nods. “Fair enough. Are you up for a trip to the drugstore?” The latter question is directed at me.
I glance down at myself, then up at Elias, and raise both eyebrows. I’m still only wearing his jacket with nothing underneath. There’s no way I’m going anywhere public like this. “It’s okay. We can replace the gauze, right? And I’ll take my top back and get out of your hair.”
Elias laughs softly. “At least allow us to make it up to you. You were injured because of Caelan’s carelessness, after all.”
“He didn’t know I was there—”
“He did. We knew someone was here. Do you really think we wouldn’t have enough sense to notice? And yet he went barging around with a blade raised, regardless. You have a lovely voice, dear.”
I stare at him, eyes widening. Oh, God. Theyheardthat?
“Allow us to make it up to you,” Elias concludes.
Caelan cackles from the sidelines. “Smooth.”
Dammit.It’s easy for them to leave me flustered and off balance, and it’s not fair. “A drugstore isn’t exactly a romantic venture,” I quip, being facetious to lessen my embarrassment and tension.
“How about we take you to dinner afterward, then?”
Well. That backfiredspectacularly. I don’t know what I expected. “I was kidding,” I splutter, “I didn’t mean—”
“Do younotwant to go out to dinner?”
“I don’t, I mean, that’s not…” God. This is a terrible idea. They’redangerous. I don’t doubt that instinct. Dangerous but alluring, and Elias is being so damn charming about it. And they’re the two members of Goëtica. I admired them. I let them inspire me. They’re so much more than I could have ever imagined. Iwantto spend more time with them.
I’ve heard people say, “never meet your heroes,” but “never meet your heroes because they might turn out to beactual demons” is new.
Am I that desperate for attention, that needy for something more exciting in my life, that I’m going to take such a stupid risk by accepting their offer?
Fuck it. Apparently, I am.
“Dinner sounds nice,” I say. “With, uh… just you, or…”
Caelan grins. “Both of us. Technically,Ifound you first, and I’m not about to let this dick muscle in completely.”
“You found her with your knife,” Elias says, deadpan.
Caelan only shrugs again, at least looking mildly apologetic. I give him a small smile. No major harm was done, and I don’t think they would’ve given me half the attention they have if it hadn’t been for that. So, I guess I’m not complaining.
And then there’s also the ‘both of them’ thing.
Caelan just winks at me.
“Hopeless,” Elias murmurs.
He slides an arm around my waist and lifts me from the counter, making me squeak in surprise. For just a moment while he’s guiding me down, I end up held firmly against his chest, and I’m once more very aware of my current clothing situation. And how much my cleavage is pressing against him.
Was that on purpose?He seems to hold on longer than necessary.
Not wanting to be left out, Caelan cuts in and replaces Elias’ arm with his own. He casually rests his hand on my waist as he guides me out of the lobby and back outside. Elias doesn’t look overly impressed.
The attention is surreal. Extremely flattering, no doubt about that. It can’t last. I’m not stupid enough to imagine that. It’s probably like a groupie thing. They must pick up fans together all the time. But, even knowing that, is it wrong to enjoy the moment?