Page 161 of Darkest Desires
I’m not sure moving is any better. I walk too quickly, the movement jarring. I’m trying to move too fast, almost jittering out of my skin with the amount of pent-up energy roiling in me, and my body can’t keep up.
Maybe I should go for a run.
I’ve never gone running in my life, and while the thought feels good, I don’t imagine straying too far from Elias and Caelan would be wise right now. Something in the back of my mind recognizes this isn’t quite right, that I’m bordering on some kind of delirium. Irrational, impulsive. I don’t know how to handle this energy at all.
But I know another way to get some of it out. A smile spreads across my face, wide enough that my cheeks hurt. The way the two demons spar sometimes…Is this why?Do they feel the same way, like they’ll claw off their own flesh if they don’t fight or fuck or bounce off the walls?
Caelan will play with me.
He’s in his game room. It looks like he tried to play a video game, the television idling and a controller tossed aside on the floor. He got tired of it, though, instead taking up his guitar. Not truly playing it, but every so often, striking a thunderous chord that matches his expression.
I purr. “Caelan.”
Caelan immediately puts the guitar aside and looks up, his face softening. Only for a brief moment, then an eyebrow raises, and concern flickers across his face. “You all right?” he asks genuinely.
I want to fight him. I want to spar. I want to do anything to stop feeling like I’m burning up.
I don’t know how to explain it to Caelan. At least not in words.
He can see energy, right? And he can probably sense my emotions the same way I can sense his. He’ll get it.
Barely even registering what I’m doing, I lunge at him. Not with any intention to hurt or to fight seriously. I just want to mess around, like we did that night on the weekend of the gala.
For once in his life, Caelan is taken completely off guard. I knock him off the beanbag he’d been sitting on, and he grunts as he hits the floor. I end up straddling him and pin his wrists down like they so often do to me.
“What the fuck, Shan?”
Caelan’s bewilderment makes me laugh. He catches on quickly, tossing me back onto the beanbag.
Now it’s getting good. I no longer have the element of surprise, but I roll to my feet and dive forward again. If I can knock Caelan’s legs out from under him before he’s up fully, I still have a chance.
“Oh no, you don’t,” Caelan growls out, stepping out of the way and twisting my arm behind my back.
I gasp. It strains the joints, but not enough to be painful. I push back into his hold instead of trying to get away, slamming my weight violently back into him. It’s enough to knock him slightly off balance and for his grip to loosen enough for me to dart away.
I understand why they like sparring. It feels incredible.
Caelan picks me up, and I make a noise of indignation.
“Okay. What’s this about?” he asks. “Not that I mind a bit of play-fighting, but you ain’t in the state to—”
I twist out of his grip, cutting him off before he can finish. Caelan reaches out for me again, but I lurch forward, shouldering his arm out of the way. A foot behind his leg, a hand beneath his chin, and my weight pushing through his center of gravity. I don’t get him to the floor again, but he stumbles, and we both go down together.
I giggle in delight as he rolls over on top of me.
Caelan’s sharp bark finally grabs my attention. His brows are knitted tightly together, a little with exasperation but mostly worry.
What is he worried for? I’m amazing.
“Come on. We’re going to Elias,” he commands, standing up again and crossing his arms. Despite himself, there’s an amused look in his eyes. He would have been enjoying himself if he weren’t so worried.
“Why? I’m fine.”
“Doll. The energy is burning you up like a fever.”
Oh. Maybe that makes sense.A fever…It does feel that way.Should I be worried?