Page 40 of Darkest Desires
Caelan groans. “Is it some fancy shithole again?”
“No, Caelan, your jeans will be adequate. It’s simply a rooftop restaurant that overlooks the hotel and the square outside.”
“Sounds good,” I interject before Caelan can complain further. Knowing Elias, and despite what he may say, I suspect the restaurant must be at least relatively high-end. I’m also tempted to stay in my jeans in solidarity with Caelan, but I already have other plans.
I may have spent far too long thinking about what to wear this weekend.
“I’m gonna take a quick shower before we head out, then, if that’s okay? I’m all gross from traveling.”
“Of course.”
It’s not exactly that I mean or want to make a big deal of trying to look nice for them, but I kind of do. I packed a casual evening dress for tonight, a slim black A-line that zips up the front and goes down to around mid-thigh. I might as well wear it.
I don’t normally take long to get ready to go out, but I suddenly relate to Elias spending twenty minutes on his eyeliner.
I shower and dress. While packing, I’d deliberated whether I should bring my nice lingerie. Was that too presumptuous? But I’m glad now I did. After all, thisis, technically, still a friends-with-benefits arrangement, if that. Of course, sex was going to be in the cards.
I pair my short black dress, lacy panties, garters, and fishnet thigh-highs with combat boots, because they’re more comfortable and alsoaesthetic. I’m sure Caelan, at least, will appreciate it.
But I’m making an effort.
For them.
It pays off.
“Daaang.” Caelan whistles as I return from the bathroom. “I forgot how cute you are.”
A smile spreads across my face, flattered by the attention. Caelan’s taken over my position sitting on the edge of the bed, and I laugh as he grabs me, dragging me between his legs. He runs his hands up my thighs beneath the dress until he reaches the garter straps. He pings one of them and narrows his eyes. “Verycute.”
Flattered and a little flustered, I protest, “Caelan!”
Elias slides an arm around my waist, guiding me away from Caelan’s wandering hands. “Delectable,” he agrees. “But shall we get going?”
It’s still a bit early as I didn’t takethatlong to get ready, but Caelan and Elias are both ready to go, and there’s no reason to wait. Elias said it wasn’t far, but we may as well take our time meandering over.
We leave through a different entrance on the other side of the hotel, through what had been the original lobby. It’s still gorgeously dramatic, with high ceilings and a sweeping staircase leading to an elegant collection of tables and plush chairs.
The street outside is far less impressive in comparison. We step out into downtown LA, and it’s back to gray, soulless concrete. I wish I’d thought to wear a jacket more substantial than my thin shrug. On the cusp of December, even LA has a crisp chill in the air after dark. Holiday decorations are going up in the park, and twinkling lights and festive gazebos suggest some kind of event will take place there too.
Elias was certainly correct about the restaurant not being far. It’s essentially just on the adjacent corner of the square. He seems to be leading us into another hotel or apartment complex, and I frown in confusion for a moment. But when we enter the elevator, I notice the restaurant’s name emblazoned next to the button for the top floor.
That’s right. I remember Elias mentioning it was a rooftop location.
Caelan is rolling his eyes on my other side, fingers twitching. Despite Elias’ assurances that it wasn’t overly fancy, the entrance and elevator already hint otherwise.
I move closer, letting my shoulder brush against his. “This is nice and all, but next date, do you fancy just staying in and getting pizza or something? Netflix and chill?” I suggest.
The offer makes Caelan snort. He doesn’t answer, though, because the doors open before he has the chance. Another elevator takes patrons two floors further to the very top. Then we finally step into the restaurant.
To the left, there’s a long bar and an eclectic selection of traditional dining tables amongst couches with coffee tables scattered throughout the room. Tall windows and patio doors take up most of the two walls to the front and right, leading out onto a balcony filled with sprawling greenery and more tables, then views of the city beyond.
Okay. That is actually nice.
I’m not a huge fan of LA, honestly. Certainly not in this downtown area. I’ve never been a fan of big inner cities, there’s too much in the way of dull, grimy buildings, construction work, and concrete grunge. But LA seems almost magical in the dim evening light, with the city lights glittering all around like the interior of a galaxy.
Magical? Really?
I am being a total sap about it, and even to myself, the thought is immediately embarrassing. I’m getting way too carried away. Going out on a date with Elias and Caelan again makes my heart swell and being here with them, I’m happy. Genuinely happy. Far happier than I should be.