Page 54 of Darkest Desires
That earns me a soft groan and the slightest buck of Caelan’s hips against mine. I giggle. That little spot, the corner of his jaw below his ear, is apparently sensitive. I nibble at the skin, not quite enough to leave a mark, but it’s clear it’s affecting him.
“Dammit.” Caelan hisses. “The hell you trying to do?”
I’m too preoccupied to answer. I kiss my way back along the scar, hot and open-mouthed this time, until Caelan shoves me harshly away.
“Enough,” he growls. His piercing yellow eyes show pure lust. “I’m the one who’s gonna be doing the fuckin’ teasing here.”
Despite the rough treatment, I can’t help but grin, knowing I can have that much of an effect on him. I want to keep exploring and find every spot that makes him weak. Another time, maybe.
Besides, Caelan is picking up the knife again, and my stomach flips, butterflies of anticipation fluttering into a storm.Yes. God, yes. I’m ready for it.
Caelan smiles wickedly at me. “Stay still, doll.”
The cold metal of the blade presses against the side of my neck, not digging in yet. He’s letting me feel the sensation of it. The sharpness of the edge, how easily it could tear into me. He slowly trails the tip along the line of my collarbones, down my sternum. I bite back a quiet whimper as he teases my peaked nipples with it. Thankfully, the dull edge.
Teasing. Like he promised.
Caelan pulls away for a moment, leaning back to pull his shirt over his head, tossing it aside. Then he settles into place, between my legs now, and nudges me with the knife, encouraging me to spread my thighs wider for him.
I take a deep breath to steady myself. The cold metal is a delicious contrast to my already warm and overheated skin and makes me want to squirm. But I stay still for him.
My knees are bent and raised, framing Caelan on either side. He hooks his elbow beneath one and leans in to lick a trail along the inside of my thigh. Then he places the knife there instead. Blade digging into the skin, pressing deep enough to give it some bite.
“Green.” I breathe. “Go ahead.”
He drags the knife, and it catches this time, splitting the skin in its wake. My breath hisses out between my teeth.
I was expecting it to be painful, but it isn’t. Not badly, anyway. It stings. He starts slow, shallow like I asked. The cut is visible, a tear in the skin, but is not even bleeding. No, that takes longer. Several seconds pass before the blood finally wells up. Even then, it’s sluggish, no worse than a paper cut, beading along the length of the gash.
What he said before, he could murder me. He could so easily break me. But despite the fact he’s cutting me with a goddamn knife, he’s being so damn gentle about it, holding back.
Not being murdered is fantastic and all, but he doesn’t need to treat me quite so delicately, either. That’s no fun for either of us.
“Mmm… more.”
The next cut is deeper, and blood wells to the surface immediately this time. The sadistic delight in Caelan’s eyes as he slices into me makes my stomach flip and need flood my core.
It still doesn’thurt, certainly not unbearably. It doesn’t feel any worse than if I dug my fingernails hard into my palm, just with an extra sting. Caelan is incredibly tactile about it too—his possessive grip, the way he runs his fingers over the skin he intends to cut next, and when he leans in and runs his tongue over the fresh gashes he’s carved.
That last action of his makes my breath catch, heat flooding my face. It’s a heady mix of sensations—pain, pleasure, the biting sting of the blade, the heat of Caelan’s mouth against me. And I’m so helpless to do anything, completely at his mercy.
It’s the most incredible thrill, and it makes meache.
There doesn’t seem to be any pattern to the cuts. Caelan’s just littering shallow, bloody lines across the top and inside of my thighs. I’m gasping, making choked-back little half-noises as his knife slices into me. Over and over, slow and drawn out, as Caelan enjoys every moment.
He trails the tip of the knife over my hip. Then the next line is carved above the lace of my panties. That’s the first one to drag an outright moan from me, and Caelan seems delighted.
“That’s it, baby. I wanna hear you.” He purrs, digging the knife into me again and reveling in the way the skin splits apart so easily for him.
Now that I’ve started being loud, I can’t hold it back anymore. Maybe because Caelan has moved higher now, his attention is on my hips, sides, and stomach. It’s so much more sensitive there. Or maybe because it keeps building andbuilding. The cuts aren’t any deeper, and the sting isn’t any worse, but it’s like the dull ache left over from every previous cut keep adding together until it leaves me dizzy.
It makes me want to squirm so badly, but I don’t dare. Not with Caelan’s knife pressed into me. I tighten my hands into fists, my head tossed back, and my eyes clenched helplessly shut.
“C-Caelan, ahh…”
“You have no idea how fuckin’ good you look like this.”