Page 58 of Darkest Desires
I say that as if ‘often’ is a relevant measure of time when it comes to Elias and Caelan. I don’t see them often enough to begin with. And I’m working under the assumption that this agreement, relationship, whatever it even is between us at this point, is going to continue long term. The implication it will has been there since the first night, and I suppose there’s no reason to think it wouldn’t. Just as long as they don’t get bored of me, or I manage to mess it up with any feelings or bullshit like that.
Because being with Caelan like this, held in a loose embrace against him after being so thoroughly fucked, I really feel like I like him so much more than I should. I’m getting carried away. An infatuated idiot. But some foolish, overly romantic part of me almost wants to say that I kind of love him a little already.
I don’t want to risk speaking and letting anything as stupid as that slip out, so I kiss him instead.
He’s grinning when I pull away. “You’re so precious.” He purrs. His hand wraps around me, ghosting over the deeper mark on my back. “And now you’re mine for good. Pretty sure this one is gonna scar.”
“You okay with that? You said earlier you didn’t really want any permanent marks.”
I shrug, pushing aside the way my stomach flips at how casually he says I’m his, for good. “I don’t want to be covered in scars. Like, all the little lines wouldn’t really mean anything. It’d be messy. But if it’s your name… that’s different, that means something.” It means so much. “It was kind of a heat-of-the-moment thing, but I definitely don’t regret it.”
“Heh. Good. Elias would have my hide if I’d already pushed your limits too much.”
I raise my eyebrows, grinning suggestively. “Oh, really? Would he punish you for it?”
Caelan pinches my side, and I make a noise somewhere between a shriek and a laugh. “You’d like to see that, wouldn’t you?”
“Maybe.” I gasp, trying to wriggle away.
“Maybe I should punishyou,” he growls out.
When he doesn’t let me go, I wrap my arms around him instead, still laughing lightly. “Some other time, maybe. You’ve already worn me out tonight.”
Thoroughly worn me out.I’ve perked up a lot more with the shower and teasing, but I’m still nowhere near recovered enough for any more ofthat. Caelan must notice and doesn’t push the matter. He turns off the water and helps me out, wrapping a towel around his waist and then another around me.
“You bring pajamas?” Caelan asks.
I nod, thankful for having the forethought to bring a pair of shorts and a cozy T-shirt. I figured it might come in handy after being thoroughly fucked and wanting to be comfortable.
Grabbing the pajamas out of my bag, I place them on the bed. Caelan quickly dries himself off and changes into a pair of boxers, then returns to my side with a brown glass bottle in his hand, shooting me a wry grin.
“Elias would also be pissed if I didn’t take care of you like I promised.” He shakes the bottle by way of explanation. “Disinfectant.”
“Is that the horrible stingy sort?” I ask, wrinkling my nose in distaste.
“Probably, I dunno. Not like I’ve tried it.” Caelan shrugs. “But better than you getting an infection. ‘Specially on that deep one.”
I guess he has a point. He probably doesn’t need to worry about things like that, but I am only human. I don’t think the scratches are an issue, as shallow as they are, but it’s kind of sweet that they’d think of trying to look after me like that.
After I finish wiping myself dry as best I can, I let my towel fall, settling back on the edge of the bed. Itisthe stingy sort of disinfectant, it turns out, and I hiss as Caelan dabs it over each of my cuts. But it’s no worse than when he was cutting me in the first place.
There’s no point trying to cover them. The slices are too long for Band-Aids, and bandages would be severe overkill. Not to mention I’d end up wrapped tighter than a mummy if we were to cover every single mark he’s left on me. The thought makes me giggle.
Caelan turns me around so he can get to my back, paying more attention to the wound there. His mouth grazes over it, briefly but hotly, making my breath catch in my throat. Then he carefully wipes it down with the disinfectant.
He’s unusually gentle about it, treating me carefully, making my heart ache.
“There. That should do you.”
“Thank you.” It hardly seems enough to convey my gratitude for him caring enough to look after me, for everything, but I’m too tired to worry about it. I wriggle into my pajamas, then crawl up the bed, burrowing into the covers. Pulling them aside, I hold them open in a hopeful gesture.
Caelan turns off the lights, bar one lamp turned down low in the corner for when Elias returns, I presume, and obligingly joins me with a fond, amused grin.
There’s no way I’m staying up waiting for Elias this time. I have no idea when he will be finished with his meeting, and my body is aching and exhausted. There’ll be time tomorrow for me to spend with him.
Caelan is warm and inviting, and I curl up against him with my head resting against his shoulder. I lean enough to lightly kiss the bruise I left on his neck, which earns me a small hiss.