Page 63 of Darkest Desires
He pauses. “No. Again, it’s best that our close interactions with humans be kept to a minimum. I would rather have full control of the situation. We have contracted teams to handle the basic equipment and sound checks on tour. That is a necessity that can’t be escaped, but it is easier to wave away the lack of special effects crew by pulling the strings myself.”
“Sounds like a lot of work.”
Caelan snorts. “It is, but Elias is a damn workaholic or something. He gets all shifty if I ever try to get him to take a break for once.”
Elias waves a dismissive hand at this statement, but there’s a wry smile on his face. “Caelan helps when it is truly necessary. Under duress.”
I glance at Caelan, raising an eyebrow teasingly. “Duress? What? Does he have to threaten you?”
Caelan’s face splits into a shit-eating grin. “More like bribe. He lets me top the ever-loving shit out of him without complaining like a goddamn control-freak dick lord the entire time.”
I attempt to choke back my laugh but end up snorting and coughing inelegantly.
“Thank you for that input, Caelan,” Elias says. His tone is so deadpan it only makes me laugh harder.
I kiss Elias firmly on the mouth. “I laugh because I love you.”
Caelan smirks, thoroughly entertained by the whole exchange and my reaction.
“All right,” Elias interrupts, halfway between exasperated and amused himself. “We ought to get up if you actually wanted to go anywhere today.”
Ah. Right.It’s already creeping toward the afternoon, and we need to be back early in the evening to get ready for the gala. We’re only going to have an hour or two out in Santa Monica at this rate.
“Yes, Sir,” I reply, still giggling. I kiss Elias briefly again, then worm my way out of bed. Needing to shower and get dressed, I pick out my clothes from my bag and head into the bathroom. And since it’s already late as it is, I don’t want to take too long.
It’s only once I’ve stepped beneath the spray of warm water and processed the conversation that I realize I told Elias I loved him.
My blood runs cold.
It had just slipped out. I hadn’t thought about what I was saying, and I hadn’t meant itthatway, except maybe I low-key did. It had felt like the most natural turn of phrase to use.
Neither Elias nor Caelan had commented or indicated they’d noticed it.
I slowly allow the tension to bleed out of me again, letting the water wash it away.
It’s okay. Right? No harm done.
I need to be more goddamn careful about my choice of words.
I have feelings for them.
I can’t deny that.
But I can’t be in love with them. I’ve only seen them twice, for Christ’s sake. And had a three-month long-distance relationship in between, so maybe it’s not quite unreasonable, but that’s not particularly helpful to think about right now.
At the end of the day, they’re demons. They’ve been nice, and I don’t doubt they’re fond of me on some level, but love is a bit much. I don’t want to ruin what I already have by making them uncomfortable or making them think I have any expectations for them to return my feelings.
Because Idon’t.
All I need is to be better at managing my own.
And keeping my goddamn mouth shut.
I don’t want to spoil a gorgeous morning by getting too caught up in my own thoughts. So I shove the whole issue aside and focus on washing.
I dry off quickly when I’m done, mindful of the shallow cuts littered all over me, and that’s something much more pleasant to think about. Proof that last night happened. Proof of how Caelan had driven me out of my mind, delicately carving me apart with his knife until he had me begging for him.