Page 66 of Darkest Desires
Besides, I kind of want a chance to clear my head, get some fresh air, and move around a bit. I want to get rid of the lethargy from staying in so long, and take some time to process.
That moment Elias lashed out, he could have seriously hurt me, and it was the first time I’d been genuinelyafraidof being with them. But I’ve always known that sort of thing was a very real risk. It would have been stupid to think otherwise, dealing with demons. Thankfully, he had stopped himself in the end, cared enough to snap out of it and pull back.
Still, for the moment, it has left me a little unsettled.
“Of course,” Elias says, not letting go of my hand, and I lean into him for a moment. Maybe some subconscious part of me seeks affection to soothe my frayed nerves.
He kisses the top of my head. The argument is over now. I squeeze my fingers against his in return, facing forward.
It’s time to make this a proper date.
We walk along the beach to the wide concrete main path lined with tall palms. It’s not overly busy since it’s the low season for tourists and the weather is mediocre by LA standards. It’s distinctly on the gray, hazy side and chilly enough that I’m glad to have my hoodie. But it’s still a lot nicer than the heart of the city, with the expanse of golden sand stretching so far out to the side that I can barely see the ocean at all.
Elias and Caelan are in human glamour again. I barely even notice how they slip between their forms anymore. But I’m not going to lie, there is something particularly appealing when their inhumanity is visible. Of course, that’s probably the opposite of what Elias wants me to think, given the way he was acting earlier, but there’s no denying what my heart craves.
Elias is still holding my hand and Caelan walks on my other side, hands in his pockets but close enough that his shoulder brushes against mine every so often. He seems content to observe the surroundings and people walking by, though I feel he’s nowhere near as unguarded as his casual posture suggests.
The path leads first past a training area, an outdoor gym with various pieces of metal equipment scattered across the beach and then winds around grassy parks on one side and the beach on the other.
We watch the people go by, and Caelan snorts.
“Fuckin’ LA,” he comments. “There’s always gotta be those dicks who think they’re better than everyone else.”
I hadn’t even noticed, too busy enjoying my time with them and trying to keep my heart from fluttering too hard to care about what anyone else might be doing. “Who?”
Elias casts a sidelong glance at Caelan and attempts to hurry us along. “Some muscle heads at the beach. It’s no concern of ours.” That last part of the sentence is particularly pointed.
“I don’t like humans who think they need to put others down to feel superior. Nothing but sanitized bullies,” Caelan says with a sneer. “God. I could go fuck ’em up so bad.”
“Um.” That seems somewhat ironic coming from him.
“People like that piss me off.”
“Everyone pisses you off, Caelan,” Elias says, a touch exasperated. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
“I’m not gonna murder ’em,” Caelan replies with a roll of his eyes. “I’m not gonna do jack. They’re showing off like they’re hot shit. I could go over there and one-up them so hard without even trying. I’m notgoingto. I thought it’d be hilarious, that’s all. Yeesh.”
I laugh at the idea of Caelan, muscular but lean, casually showing off his inhuman strength. It’s not like I exactlymindseeing either of them do that sort of thing, but again, it seems hypocritical given the situation. “Doesn’t that make you the show off, though?”
“Yeah, but I actuallyamhot shit.” As if that makes it totally reasonable.
Elias looks pained. “Why do I even put up with you?”
“His modesty, charm, and winning personality, obviously,” I suggest.
Caelan narrows his eyes, and I shriek out a laugh as he lifts me, tossing me over his shoulder. “Are you being sarcastic about me, doll?”
“No!” I protest, squirming in his grip. I can’t deny that I love it when they manhandle me, and I giggle at the teasing. But wearein public, and I don’t want to make too much of a scene. “I adore your personality. Put me down!”
“Oh, really?”
“I might have been being sarcastic about the modesty.”
“That’s what I fuckin’ thought.”
It’s difficult with the way he has me slung over his shoulder, but I wriggle my way back down and turn enough so I can kiss the side of his face. “Your confidence is sexy, though.”