Page 11 of One Good Cowboy
Johanna’s parents had felt the same way about each other. She wanted a love like that for herself and she wasn’t willing to settle. “That’s sweet and sad at the same time, loving that much and losing it.”
He shifted in his seat. “Back to the story of how we got Gem as a puppy...”
“Not so at ease with the emotional stuff, are you?” How many other times had he dodged speaking about deeper feelings when she’d just assumed he was jaded or insensitive?
“Puppy. Gem.” His firm voice made it clear he wasn’t taking her bait. He would stay in control of the conversation, going only as far as he decided to go.
“This guy thought he was being original giving me a dog to get to my grandmother. Little did he know, he wasn’t the first dude to try that. The first guy brought a puppy—Gem number one—when I was around nine. The guy who’d given him to me to get to my grandmother... Boy, did that ever backfire on him. The puppy hated kids, had zero interest in playing ball or sleeping at the foot of my bed. He just wanted to go on lazy walks, which sounded boring to me at that age.”
An image unfolded in her head of Stone as a little boy. And what little boy wouldn’t be thrilled over a puppy? How sad he must have been to have the first Gem ignore him, reject him. He wouldn’t have understood.
She leaned toward his hand ever so slightly as he toyed with her hair. “That’s why all the family members should meet a pet first before deciding on the best fit for their family. Otherwise, it’s not fair to the dog or the people.”
“So the guy learned as my grandmother showed him the door.” He wrapped the lock of hair around his finger as the jet engines hummed in the background. “The guy offered to drop the puppy off at the local shelter, which was totally the wrong thing to say to my grandmother. She dumped the guy flat and kept the puppy for herself.” He smiled fondly at the memory, his gaze shifting to the yellow Labrador asleep in her crate. “So the next time a guy brought a puppy trying to win Gran over, we named him Gem II. Both Gems were her favorite walking companions.”
Affection for his grandmother wrapped around his every word. Saying goodbye to Gem would start that letting go, the beginning of a grieving process Johanna wished she could take from him or make easier. Even thinking about all the pain he would face watching his grandmother’s health fail squeezed at Johanna’s heart.
Before she could stop the impulse, she wrapped her arms around Stone.
Kissing Johanna had rocked his world, always had. But since they’d begun this trip, he’d been the one to make the first move each time they’d touched. Having Johanna reach for him sent Stone rocketing into another orbit altogether.
He didn’t need any further encouragement.
Sliding his arms around her, he breathed in her flowery scent and savored the silky tease of her braided hair gripped in his fist. The plane engines hummed an echo of the desire buzzing through his veins.
And to think, he’d almost messed this up.
His first instinct when she’d offered consolation had been to shrug off her sympathy. Then his better sense had kicked in. He had Johanna in his arms. Touching him. Sighing.
He skimmed a hand down her pulled-back hair, releasing more of that floral scent. Her slim body molded to him, the softness of her breasts against his chest so familiar. So damn perfect. He nuzzled her ear, right beside the filigreed dream catcher dangling from her lobe. Her arms tightened around him, her hand cupping his neck. Just the feel of being skin to skin sent his heart slugging against his ribs.
Her fingers stroked through his hair, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He kissed her, fully and thoroughly, with his mouth, his hands, his body. From the first time he’d touched her and tasted her, desire had pulsed through him. Stronger than any attraction he’d ever experienced. He’d known then. Johanna was special.
For years he’d seen her as only that kid wandering around the stable yard. Everything had changed the day she’d come riding in after getting caught in a rainstorm. Her clothes had been plastered to her body. He’d gathered a couple of towels to give her. Two pats in and he’d known. He’d wanted her.
Still did.
That had been two years ago, a couple of years after she’d finished vet tech school and taken a job at the Hidden Gem Ranch. A year later they’d been engaged. Five months later, she’d returned his ring.
His mind shied away from that part and back to the passion, the connection, the need. He stroked along her spine until he reached the waistband of her jeans. Her layered tank tops had ridden up to expose a patch of skin. He palmed her waist, drawing her closer. She wriggled nearer, her fingers gripping his hair, her mouth moving along his, meeting him kiss for kiss, touch for touch.
She might have only meant to console him, but she was clearly every bit as moved as he was by the moment. She wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her. There wasn’t a question in his mind.
He reclined her onto the sofa, stretching out over her. Her long legs twined with his. A husky moan vibrated in her throat. Her head fell back and she arched into the press of his mouth as he kissed down her neck.
Tucking a hand between them, he slid the button free on her jeans, then flicked her belly button ring. His thumb recognized the jewelry from touch, a tiny silver boot with spurs and a diamond stud at the top. Possessiveness stirred deep in his gut. He’d given it to her early in their relationship, when she’d still wanted to keep their connection a secret. She’d been nervous about people calling her an opportunist.
That she still wore the gift stoked his passion and made him bolder. He eased her zipper down link by link then dipped his hand inside. He knew the feel of her, had memorized every inch of her, but after months without her, there was also a newness to this moment. He slipped his fingers lower, lower still until he found...
The slick proof of her arousal set his skin on fire. Her hips rolled as she surrendered to his touch. Her husky, needy whispers caressed his ears.
Her hands roved his back restlessly, her nails scoring a needy path down his spine, tugging the hem of his shirt from his suit pants. With a frenzied yank, she popped the buttons of his shirt. He pushed up her tank tops, and bare flesh met bare flesh, damn near sending him over the edge.
This was getting out of control fast. The pilot was a simple door away. Stone had hoped to steal a kiss but he hadn’t dared hope things would go this far. He needed to ensure their privacy. The sleeping area in back was small but plenty sufficient to make thorough love to her. He’d done so more than once as he’d sought to romance her around the world.
Easing his hand from her jeans with more than a little regret over losing her sweetness for even a brief break, he rolled from her, keeping his mouth sealed to hers. He tucked both arms under Johanna and lifted her against his chest. More than once he’d carried her to bed or to his desk or to a field of bluebonnets. On this realm, at least, they were in perfect synch with one another.
“Stone—” she nipped his ear with a husky sigh “—you have to know this isn’t a wise idea, but for some reason I can’t bring myself to say no.”
“I never claimed anything about our relationship was logical.” He shouldered open the door to the jet’s sleeping quarters.
She cupped his face in her hands. “What do you mean by that?”
He adjusted his hold on her as he neared the bed covered in a thick comforter. Dim pot lights overhead illuminated the small jet cabin. “I’ve always known that you are too good for me. It was only a matter of time until you figured it out.”
Her forehead furrowed. “Is that really how you felt, or are you manipulating me because I’m having a weak moment?”
Manipulating her? Is that what she really thought of him?
Her words splashed cold reality over him. This wasn’t the right time to take her back into his bed again. He’d made considerable progress just now and he didn’t intend to lose ground by pushing for too much too soon. If he slept with her now, she might never trust him enough for a second time...and hell, yes, he knew once would not be enough.
He lowered her feet to the ground. The glide of her body against his made him throb all the harder, almost changing his mind and to hell with wisdom. He wanted—needed—her now so damn much his teeth ached.
“You’ll have to decide that for yourself.” He backed away, his hands up between them, trying to keep his eyes firmly focused on her face rather than on the gorgeous tangled mess of her hair and the open vee of her jeans. “And when you do, if you still want us to sleep together again, just say the word and I’ll be there before you can say ‘let’s get naked.’ But I need to know you’re in one hundred percent, no regrets.”
He pivoted away and out the door before he made a liar out of himself and tangled up in the sheets with her for what he knew would be the best sex of their lives.