Page 12 of Kiss of Death
I never should have allowed myself any softness toward him. I never should have gone to his room. Never should have done anything to draw his attention to me.
The moment he appeared in the doorway, I should have known no good would come of him being here. I should have made him leave.
Instead, I let him trap me here.
Amadeus takes a leisurely step closer, his eyes on me as the corner of his mouth drags upwards into a smirk.
I may not have any true experience when it comes to men, but even I can sense the desire in his look. My gut twists as I glance past him toward the door. Even if I were to escape Cyprian’s grip, I’d never make it past his brother.
I’m well and truly trapped.
Cyprian’s fingers tighten around my arms, and I let out a small hiss of pain. Instantly, his grip loosens, and without a word he releases me as he turns toward his brother. Taking a step forward, he places himself directly between me and Amadeus.
“Yeah, I did catch her in here, and now I thinkyoushould go.”
Amadeus blinks, obviously taken aback by his brother’s words. He tilts his head to the side as he looks Cyprian over.
“And why is that?” he asks.
“You know Mother will want to know she has access to this place. We shouldn’t delay telling her.”
Amadeus scoffs at this, making my stomach twist even tighter as any hope that had sprung to life in my chest withers and dies. He won’t be so easily swayed to leave this time.
“You must be three sheets to the wind if you think I’m not going to take full advantage of the situation first,” Amadeus says. “No, no I don’t think I’ll leave just yet. In fact, I daresay, Mother needn’t know anything about this. This can be our little secret.”
Cyprian shifts slightly at this, subtly tucking me further behind him as he cracks his neck to one side and squares off his shoulders.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost think that he’s trying to protect me from his brother. Hiding me from his hungry gaze.
“We shouldn’t be in here,” Cyprian presses. “If we were caught—”
“Why the hell should I care about that?” Amadeus snorts. “I’m not passing up an opportunity like this again.”
Closing the distance between him and his brother, he reaches around Cyprian as if to drag me out from behind him.
Again, Cyprian shifts to block him.
Even from here, I can see the way Amadeus’ eyes flash with annoyance. He’s not used to anyone stopping him from getting what he wants.
“What are you playing at now, little brother?” Amadeus demands, glaring up at Cyprian as his fury seems to grow to match his lust. “Have you suddenly taken an interest in the little mouse? Fine. We can both have our fun with her, butI’mtaking her first.”
I clench my teeth together in an effort to stop myself getting sick as I worry that there’s no escape for me from this.
“No,” Cyprian growls, his fists clenching at his side.
Amadeus narrows his eyes up at Cyprian before suddenly throwing his head back, cold laughter spilling from him.
“You amuse me, brother, but there’s no way I’m going to allow you to be the one to ruin her.Thatpleasure is all mine.”
“Touch her,” Cyprian says, the words low and threatening, “and it’ll be the last thing you do.”
Quiet fills the workshop as the smile slips from Amadeus’ face as the two of them stare one another down. Any humor that Amadeus felt has left him as his face slowly turns pink with rage.
Cyprian’s jaw hardens as he pulls himself up even straighter, staring down at his older brother. This is all it takes to finally set Amadeus off as he suddenly swings a fist at Cyprian.
That’s all that Cyprian needs, too, as he dodges and launches himself at Amadeus.
A startled shriek escapes me as the two of them come barreling toward me. I just barely manage to dive out of the way, but I can’t say the same for my painting as Amadeus crashes into it.