Page 38 of Kiss of Death
I balk at this, nearly spilling the piping hot tea all over myself in the process.
She gives me a kind smile as she reaches out to help right the trembling mug in my hands.
"I mean you no harm, child," she quickly reassures me. "In fact, it is I who owes you a favor."
"I-I'm afraid I don't understand."
"There is not much to understand," she continues. "Once, many moons ago now, your father helped me when I was in desperate need and all but him turned a blind eye. Now, I should like to repay his kindness by helping you."
Her mention of Father brings a smile to my face.
I certainly didn't expect my plans to smoothly, but this is an unexpected turn of luck. If she can help me save Father, then I'll be forever in her debt, and gladly so.
Witch or not.
"I do not have the means to save him," she interjects, as if reading my mind. "Unfortunately, the magic that requires is far beyond my skill. However, I do know of ...someonewho may be able to help."
Something about the way she says this has the hair on the back of my neck rising to stand on end.
"Who?" I ask, swallowing past my unease.
"I should warn you, it won't be easy," she says, ignoring my question. "And you'll have to leave tonight, and soon, if you are to have any hope of finding him in time."
Her eyes glaze over as they drift from my face to the window behind me. A small frown tugs at her mouth, her eyes unblinking as she stares out into the forest beyond her cottage.
I slowly turn to follow her gaze, but see nothing more than the flicker of fireflies and the darkness that lies beyond. I open my mouth to question her, only to realize I still don't know this woman's name.
"Yes. Yes, you must leave now," she says, her eyes blinking back to focus. "Quickly, if you want any chance of you finding him, you must do so tonight, while the moon is still cloaked in shadow."
I’m confused, but as she stands, I do the same. The witch takes back my still-full mug before crossing over to a table.
I watch as she collects several more items from various places around the room. Her lips move in unspoken words as she turns back to me, motioning for me to join her.
“You must head directly north,” she says, pushing several packets and jars into my hands before muttering to herself and taking them all back. “Directly north. Never veering from your course."
"How will I know if I'm heading the right way?"
"You will feel it in your bones. In the air you breathe, and the very earth that rises beneath your feet," she tells me. "Oh, and it'll be cold. Terribly, unforgivably cold ... You'll need a cloak."
The way she says this last part nearly draws a surprised laugh from my lips.
"A cloak?"
"Yes, here," she says, bustling about me before thrusting a worn magenta cloak into my arms. "Now, hurry along, dear. You mustn't delay any longer."
Ushering me toward a back door, I nearly stumble over my own feet as I step back into the clearing. She gives me a good look, her eyes trailing over me, before nodding.
"But, where do I go?"
Her eyes glaze over again at my question, lifting toward the forest. Slowly, she points, directing me out into the inky blackness beyond the clearing. I stare at it for a long moment, before turning back to face her.
Grabbing my hand, the witch pulls a small crystal from her skirt pocket before thrusting it into my hand and folding my fingers over it.
"Follow the cold and the shadows of night," she says cryptically. "The crystal will help guide your path. May each of your steps be certain and true."