Page 41 of Kiss of Death
"Speak," the voice commands, terrible in its beauty.
"The Bargainer," I rasp, peering into the darkness around me as I try to see who I'm speaking to. "He is who I'm searching for. I must speak with him."
The crystal barely produces enough light for me to see past the glint of the crystals, the shadows beyond cloaking the voice in darkness.
The voice says nothing, the stretching silence settling as a lead weight disappointment in my stomach.
If this man isn't the one I seek, then I don't know how I can continue on. I'll have failed in my quest to save father.
Unable to accept this outcome, I open my mouth again.
"Are you him? Are you the one they call The Bargainer?"
There's a brief pause that has my heart racing in my chest before he answers, "I am known by many names, little creature, but yes, that is one of them."
My relief upon hearing this is immediate.
I straighten, squinting out through the glittering ice as I try to make him out, but the shadows refuse to open up to me. A surge of hope drives me forward another step, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Please," I say, nearly choking on the word. "Please, I wish to make a deal. A bargain with you. It's important."
Again, the voice remains silent, and I can't help but wonder what I've done wrong.
Finally at my breaking point, I let out a small sob, but the moment my tears start to burn the back of my eyes, they turn to ice.
I let out a hiss of pain as I collapse to my knees. Pressing the base of my palms to my eyes, I will myself to calm down.
I can't give up now, not when I'm so close to getting what I've come for. If the witch believes that he can help me, then I have to trust that he will. That he is the one I've been searching for.
"Please, I'll do anything."
The shadows let out a sigh that wraps around me like a bitter wind, bringing an even deeper chill to my skin. Still, hope dares to sprout in my chest.
"You should turn back, little one. You know not what you ask for."
"Please, I cannot. I need your help."
"Turn back."
"No," I answer, putting as much force as I can behind the word, "not before you've heard my plea, or do you not abide by your own name?"
I don't know what makes me say these words, but something about them makes the very atmosphere tremble around me.
The silence is almost ear-splitting as I worry that I've just offended him beyond repair.
"Please," I try, one last time. "Please, it's urgent."
"Is that so?"
All I can do is nod my head.
I wish that the air around us was less frigid. That I could at least look upon him as I beg him to save Father. As things are, it seems that the gods are more intent on showing me just how insignificant I am in this man's presence.
"Very well, but you must look upon me before you make your request."
This startles me, and I worry I won't be able to meet his condition as I force my eyes open wider, wincing at the ice that stabs me.
Peering into the darkness, I try desperately to find him ... to focus on the shifting shadows, wondering which of them might belong to him. I swear my mind is playing tricks on me as they all blur together, and I let out a groan frustration.