Page 46 of Kiss of Death
If he says no, I don't know what I'll do.
"To save your father's life," he says slowly, his voice careful and measured, "you must offer your own in exchange."
It takes a moment for my mind to process what he's just said.
"If I accept, then he'll survive?"
He's quiet for a second as if unsure whether or not to continue.
"It is not quite as simple as that," he says. "The deal must be struck before first light, while the moon has yet to be re-birthed, but the deal will only come into effect once the moon has completed a full cycle."
My heart sinks at this. A whole month, he could be dead by then.
"And if he dies before then?"
Again, he hesitates before answering, "He will not, as long as you remain here with me during that time. Your life force will slowly feed your dying father until the deal is complete."
I wrap my arms around myself in comfort as I give my myself a moment to think. I hadn't anticipated having to give up what little remains of my time with Father as well as my own life to save him.
"And if I choose not to stay here with you, then what happens?"
"Then you will have to hope that he has enough strength to survive until the next new moon on his own."
I suppose I should be grateful that at least I have a choice when it comes to being this man's captive, though it comes at the risk of my father dying.
"However," he continues, almost as if reading my mind, "should you choose not to remain here, if your father dies before our deal is complete, your life will not be forfeit."
"And if I die here? Before our deal is complete," I ask warily.
He snorts softly.
"Impossible, I will not allow that to happen."
"How can you be sure?"
"You have my word."
I pause for a moment, contemplating my choice. It seems unwise to stay her with this man, after all, I do not know what this strange man's word is worth. Yet, I'm unwilling to put my father's life in fate's hands, given how last I saw him.
Father is dying, and despite the fear that threatens to pull me apart, and the worry that this may this may still end terribly, I know what I must do.
"I'll do it," I say, meeting the dark pools with the skulled mask. "I accept your offer. I will stay here until the deal is complete, and my father's life is saved."
The shadows are quiet for a long moment, the man's eyes never once leaving my face.
I do my best to pull myself up, to not let my lips quiver or my eyes dart about. There is a part of me that suddenly feels trapped. A part, deep down, that almost wants to take back my what I've just agreed to.
The very thought of staying here in this lifeless place with him makes my skin crawl ... though I’m not sure if it’s from dread or relief.
"Very well, then our deal is struck," he says with a nod. "You will remain here until the next new moon, at which point you will relinquish your life to me in exchange for his."
My throat is suddenly thick with emotion.
I can almost see Father’s disapproval over what I’ve just done. I know he would never ask this of me, let alone accept this sacrifice if he had any choice in the matter.
He wouldn’t want me to be so quick to throw my life away. Though, without him, there wasn’t much left to live for.
I’d have been married off to Lord Payne, if I wasn’t made to pay for what happened to Amadeus first. I shudder at the thought of both these things. No, I’ve made the right choice for us both.