Page 78 of Kiss of Death
Her joy wraps flows into me, searing me with the heat of her body, but I do not pull away. I would rather endure a thousand ages of pain than let her go.
My heart aches as I realize this is exactly what I will have to do in far too short a time.
Hazel smiles as she watches my stallion toss his head as he nickers in greeting toward me, still I do not pull my eyes from her. The warmth of her smile reminding me of summer days I thought long lost to me.
Not knowing what to make of my emotions, I say nothing, allowing us both a moment to simply be.
“What is his name?” Hazel asks, her eyes briefly returning to mine.
Knax paws the ground, shaking his main as if offended by her question. I snort, reaching out to pat a hand against his withers to soothe his bruised ego.
“His name is Knax,” I answer, as he tosses his head back again. “Though, I suppose there are many interpretations of his name through the ages.”
“Knax,” she repeats, his name coming out in a whisper as she stares up at him before taking a tentative step forward.
I watch, allowing her to pull away from me as she reaches a small, trembling hand out toward my horse. He stills as she draws closer, allowing her a single pat before shuffling away from us with a loud snort.
I feel her momentary disappointment crash over me before a surprised giggle bubbles out of her. And, again, her happiness tugs at the strings of my heart.
“He is not the friendlies of creatures,” I warn as she takes another step away from me toward Knax.
She glances back at me, determination shining bright in her eyes.
“He just doesn’t know me yet,” she says before turning back to slowly work her way toward him.
“I have known him for many millennia,” I call out, “and he still barely tolerates me.”
She ignores my comment, reaching out once more as she draws near to him again. Once again, Knax stills long enough to allow her a single touch before whinnying and galloping a short distance away.
I cannot help the low chuckle that spills from me as I watch her attempt to pet him yet again, though I cut it short, surprised by the unusual feeling of the sound reverberating through my chest.
“We will be friends, Knax,” Hazel insists before shooting a cheerful smile over her shoulder at me.
With the sunlight haloing her, Hazel’s beauty steals my breath from me. It takes all my self control to remain where I am, watching as her soul’s song reaches a crescendo within me. Everything about her is amplified here, the true depths of her innocence and purity reaching ungodly heights.
If I could just freeze this moment in time, I would.
Watching as she approaches my horse again, I am shocked when she is allowed three pats this time. Though, perhaps I should not be surprised.
After all, she seems to have a knack for warming the hearts of even the coldest creatures to her.
Hazel’s laughter fills the valley as she and Knax fall into a rhythm of give and take. She seems perfectly content with the small moments he gives her, each touch bringing a new smile to her lips.
It is hard to ignore how perfectly she fits in here. Even Knax seems to be warming to her, allowing her more pats each time she catches him.
“I think he likes you.”
She spins around to beam at me, and my heart thuds painfully in my chest.
“Do you really think so?” she asks, running a hand over Knax’s muzzle.
He gives me a snort to let me know he is simply tolerating her for my sake, but he makes no move to distance himself from her.
Just as I have not.
Stepping closer to stand by Hazel’s side, I wrap an arm under and around Knax’s head to pull him to my chest. I press my forehead to his for a moment before releasing him. He whinnies, and I reach for Hazel. Guiding her hand over Knax’s flank as my eyes fall to her.
I cannot help but admire her patience with Knax, or the softness in her voice as she whispers to him of his beauty and strength.