Page 10 of Heartless Souls
Chapter 4
The dregs of sleep begin to leave my body as I yawn, stretching out in the bed before I sigh contently. It takes a good thirty seconds or so of complete bliss for me to remember where I am.
I bolt upright in bed, the t-shirt Malik loaned me scrunched up to my waist, and I find him in the exact same spot he was in last night when I eventually fell asleep.
Raking my fingers through my messy hair, I blindly search for the hair tie I put in last night, but I can’t find it. It must have fallen out and gone to the land of secrecy that only the lost hair ties know about. Dammit. Down it is.
Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, I’m surprised to see it’s almost eight in the morning, and I silently berate myself for not spotting it last night so I would know what time it was I actually came up here.
The need to use the bathroom makes itself known, probably the reason I find myself awake now. Slipping from the bed, I eye the man sleeping on the floor. I don’t want to wake him, I just need to pee.
Before I can think better of it, I aim my hands in his direction and ever so slowly, move him along so he’s resting against the wall and not the door. I grind my teeth together nervously with every inch I move him, and when he’s in place, I heave a sigh of relief that he didn’t wake.
Tiptoeing toward him, I open the door as quietly as possible before stepping into the hallway. Surprise ripples through me at the fact that he remained asleep, but my attention quickly slips to figuring out where the bathroom is and I don’t have the brainpower this early in the morning to worry about both things.
Moving into the center of the hallway, I look around at the doors with curiosity, not wanting to disturb Alexi or Talon right now, and to my utter relief the door to the left of Malik’s is sitting slightly ajar, revealing tiled walls and a vanity.
I rush to the bathroom, locking the door behind me as I take care of myself. When I’m washing my hands and face at the vanity, I finally take the space in. There’s a jacuzzi bath set up in the far right corner, a step-in shower to the left, and a huge-ass mirror above the sink, which puts the whole room on display.
My tired mind instantly goes to the idea of being in here with someone and having a full view of everything happening.
I really need to lose my virginity already. It’s making me hornier and hornier every day, and being here definitely won’t help.
With a frustrated sigh, I gather my hair, twisting it around my hand before tucking it into the back of my t-shirt so it’s not in my face. Satisfied, I unlock the bathroom door and step back into the hallway, but I’ve barely taken a single step before hands grip my shoulders and my back is pressed against the wall.
This time, my defenses are high, my arms already out in front of me as I hold Malik in place.
Shock washes over his features as I lift my fingers ever so slightly so his feet lift off the ground. He can’t keep coming at me like that and not expect retaliation.
“Stop doing that,” I bite, my body shaking with the shock as I glare at him, but he just glares right back at me too.
“Don’t touch me with your magic. Ever. Again.” His tone is low, lethal, and admittedly scary, but I hold my position. One snap of his fingers though, and his feet are back on the ground, hands clenched at his sides as his nostrils flare with anger. “Ever.”
I’m left frozen in place as he storms off, heading for the stairs with purpose before disappearing down them. My heart feels like it’s going to pound its way through my chest and my emotions are all twisted up in knots as I watch him leave.
I know immediately that I’ve triggered something in him. Something from his childhood, for sure. The anger on his face is a look I remember vividly. It was the same look he always wore when storming out of his house. Guilt wars inside of me, and before I can think better of it, I rush down the stairs after him.
Big mistake.
On all levels.
But it’s far too late to abort now. Not when I have all three of them staring at me as I stand in the open doorway that leads into the living space.
Locked in place, my hand poised on the door handle as I look each of them over, I feel like a deer caught in the headlights. And I’m damn sure I look like one too.
Alexi’s scowl is in full force, his hand wrapped around the handle of the coffee mug in front of him as he runs his tongue over his teeth, disgusted by my appearance. Talon, on the other hand, has a hint of mischief playing across his face, fingers laced together in front of him as he sits on one of the bar stools. Shirtless.
Malik is standing by one of the seats, not yet sitting down with the others as tension radiates from his body.
Gulping hard, I roll my shoulders back and step into the room, eyes focused on Malik as I take a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
I mean those two words wholeheartedly, and the pained expression on my face must show that too because, to my surprise, he offers a subtle nod in response before taking his seat.