Page 15 of Heartless Souls
With my hands stretched above my head, I sing at the top of my lungs, dancing around the room with my eyes closed as a smile spreads further across my face.
I’m lost to the music, forgetting everything else around me until the sound of the door ricocheting off the wall grabs my attention. I almost snap my neck as I turn to the door so fast, hands still raised in the air as I find Talon leaning against the door frame with a curious look in his eyes.
It feels like forever before my body kicks into action and I quickly rush to turn the music off. I can feel the blush creeping over my cheeks as I fold my arms over my chest and turn to face him head on.
Clearing my throat, I manage to summon enough confidence to tilt my chin up slightly before I speak. “Hey.”
Hey? Fucking hey. I’m so screwed.
Talon’s head tilts to the side, his blond hair flopping over his face as he does. “Hey.”
I watch and feel his gaze creep from my pink-painted toes to my loose hair that flows down my back and a shiver flutters uncontrollably down my spine. My reaction to him doesn’t escape his notice and his spine straightens as he takes a step toward me.
His movements are slow, measured, and predatory, leaving me no option but to be his prey. When he comes to a stop before me, toe to toe, I gulp, tilting my head back to meet his eyes as he gazes deep into mine.
“How do you look the same, yet so different all at once?” His words catch me off guard, my brows knitting together as I scramble to find an answer.
“Erm… I don’t know,” I mutter, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip nervously as I continue to watch him observe me.
“Me either,” he replies with a shrug, still not taking a step back.
Well… this is awkward. Or intense. Maybe both.
“I have no idea what that means.” The words slip past my lips before I can stop them and they somehow encourage him to lean closer, his fingers reaching out to run along the strands of my white hair.
“Your hair has always been a beacon in the night, calling out to me, begging me to step closer, be near to you, where I’m supposed to be. And now… here you are.” My mouth dries at his words, leaving my jaw slack as I gape at him. “How old were you when you knew you wanted me? Wanted us?”
His fingers drop to my neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake as he swoops down to my collarbone. “I-I… uh… what?”
My stumbling and stuttering brings a smirk to his lips, his blue eyes sparkling as his fingers trail the neckline of Malik’s t-shirt. As he leans his face in close, so close our noses nearly touch, my heart pounds wildly in my chest, my pulse thundering so loud in my ears that I’m worried I won’t be able to hear him over it. But it’s like his voice has a direct pathway to my soul.
Inching a tiny bit closer, his lips ghost mine, freezing me in place as tingles ripple through my body, the touch reaching every inch of my skin as I gasp.
“You’re taller, Harm, but you still have to crane your neck back for me. The slight flush along your neck and cheeks tells me you like that fact too.”
My thighs clench together, his lips dragging over mine with every syllable, leaving me in a position to neither confirm nor deny his statement. Because that’s what it is; a statement. He knows it for a fact.
When I’m sure he’s going to step back, stop our breaths from mingling between us, he surprises me by continuing. “I’m not going to lie, since I saw you in the gym yesterday, I’ve been desperate to know what you taste like.”
Holy fucking shit.
My brain short-circuits, locked on the words slipping from his mouth as his skin brushes against mine, making me hot all over. This isn’t what I expected to happen this afternoon, or ever, but my body is the one in control right now, not putting a stop to any of this as I melt against him.
Part of me wants to pout with anger at the fact that he’s only just noticing me now, but before I can process that further, I feel his calloused fingers drag over my exposed left thigh, slowly lifting the hem of Malik’s t-shirt.
I’m scared I’m going to explode from the feel of his hand on my thigh. It’d be worth it though. Definitely a death I’m willing to take right now. I suck in a breath, desperate to not get lightheaded and pass out, but then his lips are moving, pressing against the hollow of my neck this time before he runs his nose up my throat.
A groan slips from my lips before I can stop it, exposing just how much I need and want his touch, and it acts as a sinful extinguisher.
With my next breath Talon takes a step back, putting far too much distance between us once more as his smile turns into a sneer. “Then I remember exactly what you said to us six years ago, and suddenly… my taste has gone sour.”
Before I can even convince my brain to scramble a response, he’s gone, the door swinging shut behind him as I’m left propping myself up against the washing machine for support.
If I thought I was giving myself whiplash, I clearly had no idea what I was getting myself into with him.
Gods help me. If this is my destiny, I’m in for one hell of a fucking ride.