Page 21 of Heartless Souls
Before I can control my filter, I scoff, shaking my head in disbelief at the man who loves to burn me with his words. “We can’t really continue fucking when I’m a damn virgin now, can we?”
The room stills and Talon’s eyes widen as he gapes down at me, looking at me through a new lens as he tilts his head to the side.
“Bullshit,” Alexi scoffs, and I tap Talon’s shoulder, encouraging him to move. The moment between us has completely passed now as I turn my glare in Alexi’s direction.
“Why would I lie about something so ridiculous, asshole? Now, are you going to explain what had you charging in here and ruining everything or not?” My chest heaves with each breath as I adjust the sheets, covering my lower half as Alexi’s jaw ticks with annoyance. It’s on the tip of my tongue to goad him, encourage him to move in closer and find out for himself whether I’m a virgin or not, but I think better of it.
“Alexi.” There’s warning in Talon’s tone as he grabs a t-shirt, covering his impeccable body to my complete disappointment as I pout. He doesn’t miss it though, a small smirk on his lips as he continues to observe me.
I know my little drop of surprise information has caught him off guard, and I can’t tell how that makes him feel, but there’s a hint of flirting and teasing still skimming below his surface, so I’m taking that as a good sign.
Alexi clears his throat, adjusting the lapels of the suit jacket he’s wearing as he meets my gaze. “I’m taking you clothes shopping. I don’t have a lot of time so get a move on, we can discuss the rest of this… matter, later.”
Without another word, he turns on his heel and stomps from the room, leaving me to stare at the empty spot which is quickly refilled by Talon as he too heads for the door.
“Oh, someone’s getting all of the treats this morning, Harm,” he sings, a grin on his face as he winks at me, making me scoff in response.
“What treats? All I seem to be getting is a lot of promises and no actual follow through.” The frustration in my tone makes Talon laugh, his head tilting back as he lets it flow naturally through him. “Oh, I’m glad my situation is funny to you,” I hiss, grabbing the pillow from beside me and tossing it in his direction, which only makes him cackle more.
Managing to calm himself enough to meet my gaze again, he continues to smile, but his eyes seem to darken a little, turning more serious as he assesses me. “You’ve brought so much light and laughter to this house in the little time you’ve been here, it’s unreal. I promise you, I want to feel that forever.”
Before I can ask him what the fuck that even means, he leaves too.
When Alexi said we were going clothes shopping, I didn’t really expect the Lincoln town car parked outside with a chauffeur up front. Casting my gaze from the driver to Alexi, whose presence seems to take up the entire back seat, I consider how much I actually need new clothes now that the offer is on the table.
“I haven’t got all day, Harmonia, get a move on.” I roll my eyes at his grumpy tone, but do as he says and slip into the back seat beside him before the door is shut after me.
I sit with my legs pressed together and my hands folded in my lap, too worried that I’ll accidentally brush against him if I don’t. I can only imagine the conversation that would follow if I did. He’s already pissed off enough as it is and I’m not really in the mood to increase his blood pressure today.
The car sets off without anyone speaking a word. Alexi looks through his phone with deep intensity as I opt to stare out the window. If I had my phone with me, I would be able to reach out to Rhea at least. Instead, I’m helpless, completely isolated, and it irritates the hell out of me.
As we drive away from the house, I notice the large wrought-iron gates that we drive through, followed by a protection ward that surrounds the property. Wow. They’re not messing around when it comes to security it seems.
I keep my gaze fixed on the surrounding area as we start the descent into the city below. It doesn’t seem like there is anyone even remotely near the house, just empty, sprawling fields for miles and miles.
It takes approximately twenty minutes to get into the city, the hustle and bustle amplifying with every inch closer to the center we get, and I watch in utter fascination as the world comes to life around me. Everyone looks like they're in a rush, not paying attention to anyone but where they’re going as they follow their usual routines and day to day life. Everything around us is luxurious, but not one of them seems to notice it let alone appreciate it.
From the pristine buildings to the silk I spot draped over most of the women. It’s a far cry from Paradise Heights, and that’s a huge hub for supernaturals. Paradise Heights is a vast chunk of land that was lifted from the grounds of Phoenix Valley, resurrected and maintained to a high standard for supernaturals of all kinds after the war. But Hollow Pier is on an entirely different level, which makes me wonder where exactly Hollow Pier is.
As the buildings get higher and the crowds get bigger, I draw my gaze back to the inside of the car. Everything feels overwhelming. It’s like very little magic is at play here, but I somehow get the sense that everyone here is, indeed, supernatural. Especially after what Talon said last night about what their jobs entail.
“What’s with the face?” Frowning in confusion, I turn my gaze to Alexi, who is staring at me with a hint of curiosity in his brown eyes.
“What face?” I rear my head back, not sure what he’s talking about, and he sighs. The dramatics of it all are on my kind of level and I have to stop myself from laughing and pointing it out to him.
“The one that says you can’t decide whether you’re impressed or not.” My eyes widen in surprise at his observation, rendering me speechless for a moment before I release a breath, glancing out of the window again as I search for an honest answer in my scattered brain.
“I just… this isn’t what I expected your life to be like I guess.” My gaze finds his and I’m not surprised to find his eyebrow quirked, a pointed look on his face as he silently demands I continue whatever explanation is in my mind. “It just seems rather lavish and opulent here; from the buildings, to the people, and the cars,” I hint, waving my arm around in explanation. “I guess I just think it doesn’t seem very… you.”
I regret my words the second they leave my mouth when his jaw ticks and his nostrils flare. “You don’t know me, you don’t know any of us. Not anymore.”
My heart clenches, my hands doing the same as I try to rein in my emotions, but this asshole is the reason I’m here. He can’t deny what I came to know about them when we were younger. I’m highly aware of the six year age difference that always hung in the air around us, but it didn’t stop us from getting to know each other on a much deeper level in comparison to others.
The need to prove him wrong outweighs the fact that I don’t want to continue arguing with this man, and that’s exactly why my mouth starts moving on its own accord, even when his gaze darkens further.