Page 45 of Heartless Souls
Chapter 19
Irun my hands down my jeans before turning from side to side, making sure my blouse looks cute with my skinny jeans, which are tucked into a cute pair of black ankle boots. Wearing my white hair loose and falling down my back always helps lighten my outfit, especially when I’m wearing black on black.
My heart flutters as I take a step back from the mirror, moving toward the stairs where I clear my throat and hold my head high. It’s not nerves that are getting the better of me, more like the fact that I can’t believe this is my reality.
Two of the men I’ve longed for have sealed their souls with mine.
My entire mind, body, and soul feel so different, in the best way possible, but not quite complete and I know that’s because of the other man that drives me insane.
Shaking my head, I focus on the present as I reach the top of the stairs and head for the doorway that leads to the kitchen. Last night was my turn in Talon’s bed, which I was all for, especially with the way he worked my body over and over throughout the night after leaving me spent in the bathroom. The soak in the bathtub definitely helped, but when he went to use his magic to remove the aches from my bones, I stopped him, wanting to relish in how he made me feel.
I could be regretting that now with the aches in my thighs, but I love them too much to go back on it.
Moving into the kitchen, a smile spreads across my face when I find Malik and Talon sitting side by side at the kitchen island with a fresh mug of coffee placed across from them. I know it’s for me without asking and quickly make my way over to them to get a taste of the goodness waiting for me.
Their eyes are following every move I make and I can’t deny how much I fucking love it. But again, the emptiness in me that links to Alexi is digging its heels in and making itself known.
I let my eyes flutter closed for a second as I drink from my mug, trying to make sure my facial features don’t give away what I’m feeling or thinking, before I blink them back open and look at the two Furies before me.
Malik is dressed in black, as always, making his auburn hair seem brighter with the morning sun peeking through the windows, while Talon is wearing a long-sleeved gray tee and a pair of jeans with a black jacket over the top.
Everything about the pair of them is like day and night, yet they are somehow drawn to each other as friends, drawn to me, a connection that they both now have in common.
“Good morning,” I finally mutter when neither of them say a word, both intently staring at me and forgetting how to speak.
Placing my mug down, I look between the two of them, but instead of responding like I expect, Talon turns to Malik instead. “Are you sure we have to go into the office today? I would much rather take her back upstairs and keep ourselves busy in an entirely different way.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, making me roll my eyes at him as Malik chuckles under his breath.
“You and I both know we’ve got our hands full with the Redvellions at the moment. Alexi would lose his shit if we didn’t show so we could…” His words trail off as his gaze flicks to me, trailing over my body, and I don’t miss the way he said we. It sends a shiver down my spine, desire pooling in my stomach, but he’s right, and I really don’t want to piss off Alexi any more than I already have.
Fuck, just me breathing seems to be causing him a great inconvenience.
Malik leans back, sipping his coffee as Talon glares at him and a pout forms on my mouth as I fold my arms over my chest and brace them on the countertop before me. “Raincheck?”
The pair of them whip their heads in my direction, coffee spluttering from Malik’s mouth as he gapes at me while Talon slaps his hands together. “You bet, but since Malik got your pussy first, I call dibs on that sweet ass of yours.”
It’s my turn to gape at him as he rises from his seat to make his way around the table. I always think I have the upper hand but then he firmly puts me back in my place.
Holy. Shit.
I still can’t find my tongue as he comes to a stop beside me, leaning down and placing a soft kiss at the corner of my mouth before offering me his hand. I hear the sound of Malik’s chair scraping as he too stands while I place my hand in Talon’s.
Rising to my feet, he brings my knuckles to his mouth and I’m ready to call it all off. Fuck Alexi. Fuck all of it. I’m eager to feel more of what they’ve had to offer so far, and the thought of them together only heightens my desire.
Malik must sense the shift in me or something because in the next breath I’m being pulled away from Talon and directed toward the door. My chest is pressed against his, my legs dangling low as he carries me just off the ground. Looking over his shoulder, I find Talon pouting at our retreat and it makes me feel like I’m more than just the soul destined for them.
It makes me feel like this could be my forever.
I completely miss the scenic drive to the office, my mind fixed on the promise laid before me back at the house and my eyes set on the two men who fulfill me.
Conversation falls on old times, the three of us reminiscing about things I had almost forgotten. Like the time Talon got wasted for the first time in his life and stumbled into my house, only to find my mom with a stern look on her face stopping him in his tracks. And when my mom had to work on my birthday one year, Alexi forced us all to his house so we could have a mini birthday party. It consisted of an awful attempt at musical chairs and an even worse experience with a piñata.